selecting the ShadowChange replay option no longer results in display
corruption of the shadow
Don Wilshe
Don Wilshe
How you been Sport?
Running Nascar 2003 and switching the render option to OpenGL, followed by
selecting the ShadowChange replay option no longer results in display
corruption of the shadow
Don Wilshe
> rms
> > The 3.1s also fix the GPL menu corruption problem, and add 16bit FSAA.
> Very
> > nice!!
> > rms
I wonder if some of your settings with your new mb cured the tearing?
so far, the fixes I have seen are:
1. Disable smoothvision and Anistrophic
2. remove all traces of previous drivers.
3. there is no 3.
dave henrie
I'll try out the motherboard (and cpu and memory) change after tax
time. Hopefully that will fix my problems too.