hopes for my old 1Ghz box. I've tried every video card out there up to the
latest 128MB flavors but all of them went back to Best Buy except my Ti-200.
Most bang for the buck for me. I got F1-2002 to average 36-40fps with other
cars on the track and full player car detail at 1280x1024 :)
The physics in this game ROCK. Subtle little things I feel through force
feedback and see from the***pit definitely make this title a winner IMHO.
I tried GP4 and it doesn't even come close. The only thing I liked about
that was when a tire or a wing came off it was an object you needed to
avoid - you couldn't just drive through them. Anyways I deleted that one.
I figured out how to lose the arms. Commented out those lines in the
f1car.gen file. So far the only arms I've liked were in Rally Trophy. I
wish I could get timing like with GPxPatch on my screen...
This is the first title I've been into for a long while. Looks to be a lot
of fun!
- David Cook