problems getting things going. What patches and stuff do i need to do to get
it to go.
P.S. Im using a Voodoo 3.
P.S. Im using a Voodoo 3.
I had this setup but eventually changed to a kyro2 coz win2k seemed to suck
the life out of the v3.
Get the 1.2 patch & the d3d patch from papy, it should run fine.
3dfx will work with persuasion, but it's hardly worth it if d3d works okay.
I just used the 1.07 drivers, nothing special.
Glide is more than worth it with a Voodoo 3 card; both image quality and
speed are better than in d3d.
As to the original question, George Smileys Glide-o-matic makes GPL&Glide
work with Win2K on V3 cards.
Mika Takala
iirc redline.dll is a Rendition file. I'm guessing you've selected this
instead of Glide or d3d?
If you can't get the game to run (to get to options) you can manually edit
the app.ini like this:
[ Graphics ]
lastRasterizerDLL = softdll.dll
to change it back to software mode & allow you to load the game.
Quite true, but 36fps is the limit for gpl so speed probably won't be an
issue, and as I mentioned in my previous post, d3d was easier to get working
than Glide. It's worth it if you can get it to work though.
I tried quite a few different drivers on mine but preferred d3d with the
1.07 drivers.
It's purely down to how much time you're prepared to spend trying out
different settings & drivers, and what works best with your particular
Get it working first, then experiment I say.