one on-line driver to another.
I have a replay at Mexico which shows Graeme Nash's car smashing into the
barrier, wiping off 3 wheels & catching fire. He continued on fire for
several seconds not being slowed & his fire went out & the wheels
re-appeared. He then disappeared from my replay for several more seconds. No
way could he have shift-r'd without stopping.
At the time I put it down to warping. I have seen cars falsely go off before
on replays & watching other drivers using live feed - this time there was
something to hit.
Race host John Simmons' replay shows a different set of events (no accident,
fire etc.)
I have also seen a car on fire & minus some wheels carrying on for several
It puts into question the validity of a replay of any driver connected
on-line - the only true replay will be on the client's PC for that driver.
It may just be on PCs with relatively low (modem) connections that get the
problem - a cable connection may be fine for all drivers.
It could present some difficulty for those in charge of racing leagues &
enforcing driving standards.
Anybody else have any observations or opinions?
I have put together a little web site for my fellow IGPS drivers referring
to the subject.
You may wish to view it at but don't
expect a flash site, it is simply a collection of images for referring to
this anomoly.