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I have a CDR (SCSI) and it didn't seem to affect me...
It might be because it's an SCSI.
I _think_ the real magic trick here is to make sure your primary CD-ROM
Drive is the LOWEST lettered drive in your system, and to make sure you
install and run from that drive.
We've been through this with other games, and on Multi-CD systems this
seemed to be the ticket.
However, I do believe Greg asks a valid question. There are definetly known
games that will not install or run from CDR Drives directly due to the Copy
Protection Paranoia.
I have exactly ONE complaint about N4 right now, and that's the fact that
they unleashed this horror on their honest users.
> Do you have a CD-R burner somewhere in your system?
> --
> > Like I said in an earlier post, I have a DVD ROM drive and can't play
> > 4 with it because of the copy protection. I went out and bought a new CD
> > drive tonight just to see if I could get it working and it still won't.
> So,
> > I was wondering what kind of drives you guys are using that DO work. I
> might
> > go to CompUSA tomorrow and try to get one. I would appreciate a response
> to
> > responses here while I am at work tomorrow.
> > Thanks in advance!
> > David Hearn
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