controler. Car revs up before I touch the throtle, no brakes either. Could
someone with a MSSWFF (USB) wheel tell me how they set up their controler for
this demo sim.
Thank you,
Thank you,
The READ-ME files usually require just that........
But of course you knew that and you are just testing us.
From Live For Speed READ -ME file
Game controller information :
Note : clutches, shifters and POV hats are not yet supported.
To set up a wheel or joystick :
1) In LFS options...controls select "Wheel" at the top of the screen.
2) Select Combined or Separate axes to match your controller's settings.
3) Select the button functions and press buttons to assign.
4) Press the button "Axes and Force Feedback" to assign axes.
5) Click on the function you wish to assign to an axis.
6) Move the controller to see which axis to assign.
7) Click on the button next to that axis, to assign the function.
8) You may need to invert some of the axes by clicking "invert".
9) You can click on "recalibrate" to adjust the calibration limits.
10) You may wish to lock calibration after calibrating your controller.
Force Feedback :
1) You can turn on or off Force Feedback with the on-screen switch.
2) If you have more than one FF device you can select the required one
Good sure need it