No one outside of Papy knows what the demands of N4 will be, or even
when it will ship. But if you think it is going to require hardware
that project right now. <G>
I buy hardware to run my software, and the software I have runs great
on the V5. I don't buy hardware that will one day in the future quite
possibly run a game, which I might just happen to like, much better
than the card that runs the software I like right now, well.
When I get a piece of software on my hard drive which won't run well
on my hardware, and I really like the software, then I will invest in
newer hardware. Buying hardware now to run tomorrow's software is a
waste, because if you wait until you have the software, the price of
the hardware will have dropped considerably - or something better will
be available for the same price.
> >Well, the ONLY reason to buy a V5 is for FSAA, so if that were true
> >I'd have returned the card for a refund. FSAA is a joke right now
> >the Nvidia cards, especially in D3D, but on the V5's it is
> Depends on the game. On the Gefroce2 it works quite well in some
> (EAW, SDOE, F4, Combat Mission), but on eithers it is a complete
> up. But, I did not buy the Geforce2 for FSAA anyway, so to me any
> games that run well with FSAA on it are just a bonus. What has me
> intrigued are the improved frame rates using T&L in games like N4,
> B17-2, and Battle of Britain. All of these games will require hefty
> machines to run well so don't expect to be using any FSAA on those
> games with a V5 5500 unless you are tolerant of lower frame rates.