I tried to play it with a Logitech Rumblepad for a while and it was
horrible. If it was just me I would say that was due to my own
clumsiness, but my ***age son also has a great deal of difficulty with
it. You can get it set up in such a way that the steering is
manageable, but it is very difficult to control the throttle accurately
with the stick, plus it is difficult to come up with an axis arrangement
that both allows simultaneous throttle and brake and doesn't confuse the
hell out of you. OTOH I have been playing NH 2002 on the Xbox using a
similar controller, and doing much better. The crucial difference is
that the Xbox controllers have two analog triggers that are used for
throttle and brake, and this is much easier than putting those axes on a
thumbstick. If you could find a gamepad for the PC that has two analog
triggers and an analog stick for steering, it might work okay. I think
Gravis may have one like that.