First sorry for the bad english.
There is a lot of talk about the fack that Sierra/Papy didn't release
the N3 Truck expansion in store. They say it's because they don't
expect to sale a lot of them and other reasons.
Now, why not say to Sierra/Papy that we will not buy N4 if the Trucks
are not included in the initial release. This way they will not
bullshit us about poor sale of the expansion. If they can sell
N3/NL/N3Trucks for 50$ they sure can sell the N4/Truck as an initial
release. This way they won't have to try to sale an N4Trucks via the
Web and everyone will be happy.
We could proceed via a petition (maybe one of the big Web site, like
The Pits, would like to collect it). Or each individual could send an
email to Papy/Sierra.
What do you think?
Richard Marchand