You don't have to change to the GPL track format to get GPL-like physics,
and believe me when I say (as a programmer), that a given developer will
re-use legacy code as much as humanly possible to cut down the time
required for developement, and I imagine that game developers are even
more concerned about this aspect.
The tracks in N3 are already pretty much as nice (visually) as the ones
in GPL. I wouldn't look for Papy to do any extra work to make the tracks
"compatible" between the two sims.
What would be nice is if Papy/Sierra would license someone to make new
carsets for GPL. Papy has already stated the GPL physics engine will be
modified for N4, so don't look for identical physics. Also, I'm sure
that nascar will have something to say about the "spectacular" aspect of
crashes, as they are still rumored to be interested in running an online
series, and they probably don't want to over-emphasize the dangerous side
of the sport.
Of course, everything I've said above is conjecture, and Papy could
surprise all of us with what they have planned.
>I was thinking the same thing Tim. I hope it is true (being able to swap
>tracks). You would think they would make it this way not only to sell to
>the Nascar fans but as a sort of "track pack" for GPL (yea right we are
>talking about Sierra here!).
>Good question Tim. Lets keep our fingers crossed.........
>Al Stiff
>> Okay, N4 is going to be developed heavily from GPL source, yes?
>> If so... could it be possible to take say..... the 'nurburg'
>> track folder from GPL and put it in the N4 calendar.... and
>> actually have it work?
>> If their initial source code is similar, surely it will read
>> in a similar fasion? the only problems i can intially think
>> of it pit row stalls and grid placing, which in GPL is setup
>> with space for only 20 cars (but if this means we can only
>> race 20 nascar cars, so be it, i'm not complaining!)
>> Also possible vice-versa, N4 to GPL, although there is little
>> need, most of us have them already from the converters etc.
>> Tim Wheatley,
Redneck Techno-Biker (Zerex12)
Barbarian Diecast Collector (420+ cars and counting)
DeMONS Scheduler for N3 and NL
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