Yay! Not bad for a four-year-old game :-) Will it ever end?
<serious bit starts>
Not unless something better comes along, and I can't see it on the
horizon (unless WSC appears from - almost literally - nowhere). And of
course, any new game - however "open" - is going to have an
introductory period while people learn the file formats etc. I think
GPL will still be pre-eminent in the addons field on its 5th birthday,
and beyond.
<serious bit ends>
So many tracks to crash at, and so little time to do it. I wonder if
I'll have finished my own track before the 300 mark is reached? Maybe
not, at this rate :-) Blimey, getting a bit blas now, aren't we?
Remember when Solitude came out, how we were all in awe of the place?
(And rightly so - it's still a wonderful achievement today). Or, going
back even further, Dave Noonan's Brands Hatch? Those were the days...
And still the community comes up with great new ideas... a certain
database I could mention being among the best in a long time. Thank
you, Magnus! :-D
"After all, a mere thousand yards... such a harmless little knoll,
really" - Raymond Mays on Shelsley Walsh.
The GPL Scrapyard: Back again! http://www.btinternet.com/~gplscrapyard