My question was regarding your direct response to GraDee. It seems I must
directly quote each post leading up to your inappropriate (IMHO) post in order
for you to understand where I'm coming from.
The original poster of the questions was Joe Murphy. His subject line was "F1
2000 should i buy it?" and the content of his message had the two questions...
"Is it worth the 34.00.When is GP3 out?"
Notice he asked when GP3 would be out.
GraDee responded to Joe's post with the following:
"If you want the most modern F1 sim then yes, this one is worth it.
GP3 will be out late summer to early autumn it seems."
Reading GraDee's post closely, you'll see that all he did was answer Joe's
questions to the best of his knowledge... nothing more, nothing less. Because
you seem to be on a crusade to defend any post that could possibly be negative
toward driving sims/games that you like, you are guilty of jumping the gun on
some posts that just answer questions without any depth of bias.
Yes, others who have responded to Joe's questions have said some negative things
about F1 2000, but if you just read the words in GraDee's response to Joe's
questions, it's beyond me how you can get that he was saying GP3 will be
better. He just answered the question of when GP3 would be out! You came back
with "And why exactly do you think GP3 will be better? Because it
is GP3????"
Another case in point to the fact that you read too much into other people's
posts... your response to me <below> assumes that I was commenting on your
interpretation of more than one post under this subject/title. That's simply
not true. Again, if you re-read my post word for word, I was only
commenting/complaining about your response to GraDee. I specifically used the
words "that message".
Please stop trying to read people's minds, you're obviously not a psychic.
Dave Ericson
MomoBoy online
JDB Racing
> Dear David Ericson,
> And exactly what questions do you have about my interpretation
> of these posts with regards to GP3??? See below...
> Regards,
> Greg Cisko
> > >And why exactly do you think GP3 will be better? Because it
> > >is GP3????
> > Well IMHO GP2 is a far better sim than F1 2000. The whole thing
> > just seems to be far more representative of Grand Prix racing.
> > It's hard to imagine that GP3 will be worse than GP2 so it
> > obviously will be better than F1 2000.
> Sure thing pal, whatever you say. Oh boy.
> --
> Header address intentionally scrambled to ward off the spamming hordes.
> cisko [AT] ix [DOT] netcom [DOT] com
> > Chris
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