NASCAR 3 opinions?


NASCAR 3 opinions?

by clyde_jenk.. » Tue, 06 Jun 2000 04:00:00


I have N1 & N2 and was wondering if it was worth moving
to N3.  I race solo so multiplay is not an issue for me.

What are the bugs in N3?  In N2 there was a yellow flag
bug which ruined plenty of races.  Does that bug still
exist in N3?

I'm not super concerned with graphics.  The N2 graphics
were fine by my standards.  I have a 300Mhz AMD.  Would
I need to buy a faster PC for N3?


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Before you buy.

Todd Sorense

NASCAR 3 opinions?

by Todd Sorense » Tue, 06 Jun 2000 04:00:00

I wouldn't upgrade if you aren't concerned with the graphics.

Dave Henri

NASCAR 3 opinions?

by Dave Henri » Tue, 06 Jun 2000 04:00:00

  Multiplay is the key upgrade (along with better 3d support) of N3.
if you are satisfied with N2  then N3 is a waste of time for you.
Most of the old ai bugs and flag problems are still there.  The next
REAL upgrade in the Nascar line will be Nascar4 and you "may" want to
think about an upgrade for that.
dave henrie

> I wouldn't upgrade if you aren't concerned with the graphics.

> > Hi,

> > I have N1 & N2 and was wondering if it was worth moving
> > to N3.  I race solo so multiplay is not an issue for me.

> > What are the bugs in N3?  In N2 there was a yellow flag
> > bug which ruined plenty of races.  Does that bug still
> > exist in N3?

> > I'm not super concerned with graphics.  The N2 graphics
> > were fine by my standards.  I have a 300Mhz AMD.  Would
> > I need to buy a faster PC for N3?

> > Thanks,
> > CJ

> > Sent via
> > Before you buy.

Colin Harri

NASCAR 3 opinions?

by Colin Harri » Wed, 07 Jun 2000 04:00:00

Like the other posters, I have to say that if you're not concerned with
graphics or online, then definitely don't bother. Wait til the promised land
that is Nascar 4.

Colin Harris
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NASCAR 3 opinions?

by PHYDEAUX » Wed, 07 Jun 2000 04:00:00

Might just as well get  the "acceleration pack" which has N3, Nascar Ledgends
and Trucks.  Looks like it doesn't cost any more than I paid for N3 alone.

I can run N3 just fine on my PII at 333Mhz.

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