Nascar 2 3DFx patch. How hard can it be??


Nascar 2 3DFx patch. How hard can it be??

by Jo » Mon, 02 Feb 1998 04:00:00

> did I *know* you would come up with a thesis on the
>subject? All your post proves to me is that you can argue any point to
>make it appear valid, but non of it is based on factual evidence.

No, he made some good points. Flight sims have more operation of of
complex systems in response to the environment. Driving sims have more
of a millisecond-to-millisecond direct interaction with your physical
environment. These both involve very different kinds of thinking and
input to the game, so it's really obvious which one is "more".



Nascar 2 3DFx patch. How hard can it be??

by Nosfera » Mon, 02 Feb 1998 04:00:00

>No, he made some good points. Flight sims have more operation of of
>complex systems in response to the environment. Driving sims have more
>of a millisecond-to-millisecond direct interaction with your physical
>environment. These both involve very different kinds of thinking and
>input to the game, so it's really obvious which one is "more".


Flight-sims have both Joe. Constant monitoring of altitude and speed
is very important. Not to mention energy management in a dogfight,
radar management, awacs observation etc. Anyway, I only brought up
flight-sims because some guy was saying I'm not a hard-core race
simmer. I'm not a light user of racers either and I was just saying
I'm a *** flight simmer which I feel has a heavier workload on
the user than a racing sim. Anyway, let the discussion die a peaceful

Nascar 2 3DFx patch. How hard can it be??

by Nosfera » Mon, 02 Feb 1998 04:00:00

On Sat, 31 Jan 1998 22:25:09 -0500, "Phil Bower"

>I don't want to get off the beaten path with the direction of this message,
>but, I just wanted to tell you all that I'm proud to have started the
>longest thread I have EVER SEEN in a newsgroup.  The nice part is that
>almost none of it has anthing to do with the original post.

>Happy typing everyone. should see the one in the flight-sim group and cross posted
to many other groups. It's over 400 posts long. Big doggy doo about
Boot mag slagging the Riva card.

Nascar 2 3DFx patch. How hard can it be??

by plegr.. » Mon, 02 Feb 1998 04:00:00

Interesting....let me add some thoughts here.

If you have long periods of rest in a flight sim its because your not
paying attention....and you are just about to get least
combat sims. Su-27 Flanker in particular and Longbow2 as well...if you
are flying along with your head up your ass you will be restarting
shortly. Su-27 does not tolerate inattention.....and Longbow2 though
slightly more foregiving is quite deadly to the unwary....especially at
the hardest settings. But this really is not a fruitful area to compare

Now when going fast on motorcycles and cars the mind is focused so well
indeed that I almost didnt realise how hard I was working. It just
flowed....(this is real life tm)....whereas in Combat flight sims your
not only flying the plane for all your worth but your sensing your
enviroment for all your worth...your monitoring your signature for all
your worth....and keeping tabs on other flights..and if you get in a
fight the workload goes even higher as you point out. The part you
missed was all the stuff prior and all of that goes into flying Combat
Sims at the highest levels.

Racing sims and Aerobatic Flying sims would be the best comparison as
both involve doing one thing exclusive of any other thing. This is not
to belittle either of these items...indeed I love to fly Su-27 solo in
Aerobatics...its almost my favorite thing to do these days as H2H has
lost some of the oooh gotta do that sort of feeling. Ive done it been
there got the T-shirt, mug, and got the Pink Plane....<VBG> I love doing
it because of being able to get lost in the concentration of flowing
into the next manuevers....this is much the same feeling I get when in
F1 Racing sim....

At the highest levels in Combat sims...your flying your ass off...and
then all of a sudden someone changes all the rules and your readjusting
everything....and then its ooooh nooo here comes a missile....then its
damn damn damn...gotta hit the target.....where is my ***ing
wingman....hey mofo get your ass in the fight.......shit he's
firing...damn damn fun fun..but very different.

Now which has more workload....Combat Flight sims....

Does this matter....not a whit because its not a valid
comparison.....they both require different degree's of
concentration....both require full time paying attention.



Nascar 2 3DFx patch. How hard can it be??

by Jo » Mon, 02 Feb 1998 04:00:00

>I don't want to get off the beaten path with the direction of this message,
>but, I just wanted to tell you all that I'm proud to have started the
>longest thread I have EVER SEEN in a newsgroup.  

Guess you haven't been following the "corruption at boot magazine"


Phil Bowe

Nascar 2 3DFx patch. How hard can it be??

by Phil Bowe » Mon, 02 Feb 1998 04:00:00

Did you guys consider the Chipset on the motherboards.

Keep in mind that there is very seldom more than 1% difference in
motherboards with the same chipset, but could be monumental differences with
differering chipsets/io controllers.

If it weren't for Lawyers, we wouldn't need em.  And, did
you know that, in the United States, they're Un-Constitutional!.
George, Adam, John and the rest of the gang saw something comming!

RR #3 Box 96
Williamsport, Pa. 17701
(717) 745-7697

>>Well, running on an 83mhz bus negates the advantage of mmx's
>>supposedly 10% speed increase then. My bench svga at 66mhz is 68.
>>Still 1 point faster than your 200mmx. What gives? What vid card do
>>you have? I also have a 512k L2 coast cache module so that does give
>>me a slight increase in speed. My mb is an Asus P55T2P4 and I'm using
>>a Diamond Stealth 2000 vid card (2mb).

>The only thing I can think of is that you are in Canada :-) I have a
>mb which may not be that great. My vid card is a Diamond Stealth 3D
>3000 (4MB). My mb has 256k L2 cache with an extra 256k module
>like yours, so I have 512k L2 cache. I guess I have no clue why your PC
>benchmarks faster. It has to be the mb.

>Header intentionally scrambled to ward off the spamming hordes.

Phil Bowe

Nascar 2 3DFx patch. How hard can it be??

by Phil Bowe » Tue, 03 Feb 1998 04:00:00

>Hi Pierre,

>I don't think it will greatly decrease the revenue of any sim producer if
>does _not_ participate in this forum.

This may be entirely true.  Perhaps their revenue will not be *directly
affected* by participation here.  However, gibberish or no, there is a
terrific wealth of information here for any interested developer.  I would
also say that there is more in the way of market direction to be seen here
than anywhere else.  Perhaps even more than the store shelves.  Good
advertising is a pretty good marketing tool.  Take a look at the number of
people who kept their copy of MS CPR till they could no longer return it
just because someone from ms said they would fix it.  I would say that that
message on THIS forum generated a good deal of revenue for ms right there.
Oh,  afew hundred bucks is no big deal to Bill, but he makes his money a
hundred bucks at a time.

 Also, there's a lot of gibberish, and

No, I think there's more information than most people give credit for.  It's
just a question of wanting to interpret it as a personal insult or a
customer whos money they have allready taken, genuinely wanting to see
improvements in the product they bought.

No, noone here has any divine grace.  However, most of the people here DO
have more money to spend, and if a developer wants more of it, they had
better listen to the masses.  OK.  One person is a little miffed about
something, no big deal.  Everyone on the newsgroup is pissed, that's a
different story.

As for the knowledge thing,  there is not that much knowledge needed to
contribute very real opinions about a peice of software and new ways to
enhance it.  As an example,  I wrote several peices of software for a
company some time ago, that were used in a bunch of different areas of the
plant.  It was a company with a lot of labor intense jobs that were occupied
by perhaps as many as a hundred, less fortunate or educated people.  I'd say
that maybe 25% could not read or write.  This place gave a 50c/Hr bonus each
week just for being on time for work each day.  In any case, I set up a time
clock system which used bar coded credit card's i'll call, them for each
employee.  I made all sorts of changes to the system after talking to some
mentaly retarded employees.  (The company hired workers from a local "School
of Hope").  In fact, I even made changes to some of the production software
that they never came in contact with because of limitations of the people.
As for the timeclock, some of the people were not mentaly able to understand
instructions of running a card thru a slot.  For them, I made cards that
could be oriented any of 8 ways and still be read.  Frustrating?  Sometimes.
But the bottom line is that the amount of information to be found on this
group is directly proportional to the developers desire to find information.

Sorry to disagree again.

You can say anything you like about me and I'll probably never care enough
raise an eyebrow.  If the entire group says they agree, I'll probably look
for reasons they might see to agree.  At no point will I stop participating
just because someone said something negative about me.  My feelings won't be
hurt.  I would guess that is why Jim S. Has posted in this thread so often.
Admitedly, his posts have mostly been directed to pointing out historical
facts or clearing up issues.  In the long run,  most of those posts will
probably end up as $ to Sierra.

If it weren't for Lawyers, we wouldn't need em.  And, did
you know that, in the United States, they're Un-Constitutional!.
George, Adam, John and the rest of the gang saw something comming!

RR #3 Box 96
Williamsport, Pa. 17701
(717) 745-7697

W. Benjamin Fletch

Nascar 2 3DFx patch. How hard can it be??

by W. Benjamin Fletch » Tue, 03 Feb 1998 04:00:00

>>I don't want to get off the beaten path with the direction of this message,
>>but, I just wanted to tell you all that I'm proud to have started the
>>longest thread I have EVER SEEN in a newsgroup.  

>Guess you haven't been following the "corruption at boot magazine"

Have you seen the consoles vs PC wars? Or the Derek Smart posts? Or
Why N64 is better than Playstation? Granted this is a long thread, but
it's still a baby compared to those others...

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