Next to my computer, I keep a monitor-sized picture of a "crew" huddled
around a late-60s F1 Ferrari. When I have a repairable incident, I drive
slowly back to the pits, slap that picture in front of the moniter, jiggle
it around "NYPD Blue"-style, whistle for a bit, and then hit Shift-R.
Flintstone's technology, but it works. . .
PS The above is of course, a bald lie.
> Benjamin, this very subject has been bandied around here for the past two
> years......don't get me wrong, please, I'm not having a shot at you for
> knowing that!!
> But it was very irritating to find that pitting was not available because,
> back Then, pitting was more common than you would believe unless you
> the statictics. If drivers weren't pitting for tyres (very unusual unless
> An Incident had occurred) they were pitting for Things To Be
> Fixed...suspensions, electrics, brakes, oil, fuel, brake fluid, etc.
> So to answer your question, "yes", pitting WAS a common aspect of
> GPs....way, way before the pitstop became mandatory. And it is irritating
> that this feature is not available and that when you do suffer a bent
> suspension rod or a puncture you can't have it attended to and continue
> chase.
> --
> Regards,
> Bruce Kennewell,
> Canberra, Australia.
> ---------------------------
> > Am I missing something somewhere or is there simply no reason for the
> > pits in GPL other than to have a place to take off from in
> > practice...?
> > Is it just an omission or did they actually never pit in '67? There's
> > no way to fix something as minor as a flat tire and your race is over
> > even though there's really no damage - and no fuel strategy, no option
> > to start with a light fuel load...
> > Is it accurate for the time or did they just not bother with anything
> > for pit stops..