GPL - why no pitting?

Kirk Lan

GPL - why no pitting?

by Kirk Lan » Thu, 30 Mar 2000 04:00:00

Pits did happen, but were for problems only...

Look at Jim Clark's '67 Monza race!!!  Many considered that to be his
greatest race...guy jumps out to a huge lead, gets a flat tire, loses a lap
in the process, gains it back, regains the lead, and runs out of gas coming
out of Parabolica on the last THAT is sad!  Too bad they didn't
dump in an extra drop of gas in that Lotus when they changed that flat!!

Kirk Lane

ICQ: 28171652
BRT #187

"Yeah you won't find me
I'm going MIA
Tonight I'm leaving
Going MIA
Getting lost in you again
Is better than being known"
                     -Foo Fighters, "MIA"

> Unfortunately pitting is simply not possible in GPL.
> One of the most missed things in GPL I guess...

> Andre

> >Am I missing something somewhere or is there simply no reason for the
> >pits in GPL other than to have a place to take off from in
> >practice...?

> >Is it just an omission or did they actually never pit in '67? There's
> >no way to fix something as minor as a flat tire and your race is over
> >even though there's really no damage - and no fuel strategy, no option
> >to start with a light fuel load...

> >Is it accurate for the time or did they just not bother with anything
> >for pit stops..

David Kar

GPL - why no pitting?

by David Kar » Thu, 30 Mar 2000 04:00:00


joked about the astronauts looking in terror at

Bruce Kennewel

GPL - why no pitting?

by Bruce Kennewel » Fri, 31 Mar 2000 04:00:00

You wait until the board in front of your face disappears, Martin.  I'm
pretty sure that is until the last car passes you.

Bruce Kennewell,
Canberra, Australia.

> BTW, anyone know what the penalty for jumping the start is? Do I have
> to wait a certain time or do I have to wait until the whole field has
> passed me so I'm last? Haven't figured this one out.

> Cheers,

> /Martin

> Sent via
> Before you buy.

Tony StewartNo

GPL - why no pitting?

by Tony StewartNo » Fri, 31 Mar 2000 04:00:00

LMAO thats funny
Tony StewartNo

GPL - why no pitting?

by Tony StewartNo » Fri, 31 Mar 2000 04:00:00

Theres also that first turn after the esses at the glen that can be cut that
acess road
Bruce Kennewel

GPL - why no pitting?

by Bruce Kennewel » Fri, 31 Mar 2000 04:00:00

Pleae allow me to tell you *why* they didn't, Kirk!  Read on......

The official Lotus line at the time was that a faulty fuel pump had failed
to pick up the last 3 gallons of fuel.  However, Keith Duckworth (the
"worth" part of "Cosworth") remembers it differently and states that Clark
simply ran out of fuel.

Now *why* did he run out of fuel?  One reason.....Chapman *never* allowed
more than a few extra ounces above bare minimum to be carried and in his
herculean driving effort the fuel consumption rate had increased over the
normal rate and the "few ounces extra" were insufficient.

That this was the reason is confirmed by Allan McCall, Clark's mechanic at
the time. McCall says that Chapman always did the fuel calculations and for
Monza he decided that they only needed near enought to 31 gallons. everybody
else thought that was stupid (but didn't say so to Chapman, of course!)
McCall was asked to put 33 gallons in (by*** Scammell) and even McCall
upped that to 36 gallons, without telling either Scammell or Chapman.

As it turened out, evenb that extra 5 gallons was insufficient.  It also
transpired that Chapman blew his top when the car ran out, accusing people
of not putting the full 31 gallons in!!!  Wjhen McCall told Chapman that in
fact the car started the race with 36 gallons - five more than the Boss's
orders - he (CC) turned the air purple and told them never to do something
like that again!!!

So that's all it was.........Clark drove so hard that he just used up all 36
gallons which, under normal circumstances, would have got him to the finish

Bruce Kennewell,
Canberra, Australia.

Bruce Kennewel

GPL - why no pitting?

by Bruce Kennewel » Fri, 31 Mar 2000 04:00:00

What on earth were a British company doing supplying electrics for the
American space programme?

I do recall Mr. Armstrong stating at a seminar I attended that there was a
bit of concern in the Apollo 11 capsule when Aldrin said "Do you realise
that we are sitting at the top of what has all been put together by the
lowest tenderers?"

Now THAT'S a pithy statement!!!! :-)

Bruce Kennewell,
Canberra, Australia.

> LOL!

> joked about the astronauts looking in terror at
> > their gauges and seeing "Electrics by Lucas"

> > Slot

Bruce Kennewel

GPL - why no pitting?

by Bruce Kennewel » Fri, 31 Mar 2000 04:00:00

Dear Mr. Stewart,
Just as a minor help to people like myself who don't use the "Follow that
Thread" function, could you please just snip the pertinent bit from the post
that you're commenting about? Then just paste it into your message and all
will become less mysterious for me and some others. :-)

Bruce Kennewell,
Canberra, Australia.

Bruce Kennewel

GPL - why no pitting?

by Bruce Kennewel » Fri, 31 Mar 2000 04:00:00

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Typos were added for your additional enjoyment and in-flight entertainment.
We hope you enjoyed the experience and please come again.
Bruce Kennewell,
Canberra, Australia.

> Pleae allow me to tell you *why* they didn't, Kirk!  Read on......

> The official Lotus line at the time was that a faulty fuel pump had failed
> to pick up the last 3 gallons of fuel.  However, Keith Duckworth (the
> "worth" part of "Cosworth") remembers it differently and states that Clark
> simply ran out of fuel.

> Now *why* did he run out of fuel?  One reason.....Chapman *never* allowed
> more than a few extra ounces above bare minimum to be carried and in his
> herculean driving effort the fuel consumption rate had increased over the
> normal rate and the "few ounces extra" were insufficient.

> That this was the reason is confirmed by Allan McCall, Clark's mechanic at
> the time. McCall says that Chapman always did the fuel calculations and
> Monza he decided that they only needed near enought to 31 gallons.
> else thought that was stupid (but didn't say so to Chapman, of course!)
> McCall was asked to put 33 gallons in (by*** Scammell) and even McCall
> upped that to 36 gallons, without telling either Scammell or Chapman.

> As it turened out, evenb that extra 5 gallons was insufficient.  It also
> transpired that Chapman blew his top when the car ran out, accusing people
> of not putting the full 31 gallons in!!!  Wjhen McCall told Chapman that
> fact the car started the race with 36 gallons - five more than the Boss's
> orders - he (CC) turned the air purple and told them never to do something
> like that again!!!

> So that's all it was.........Clark drove so hard that he just used up all
> gallons which, under normal circumstances, would have got him to the
> (just!)

> --
> Regards,
> Bruce Kennewell,
> Canberra, Australia.
> ---------------------------

> > Pits did happen, but were for problems only...

> > Look at Jim Clark's '67 Monza race!!!  Many considered that to be his
> > greatest race...guy jumps out to a huge lead, gets a flat tire, loses a
> lap
> > in the process, gains it back, regains the lead, and runs out of gas
> coming
> > out of Parabolica on the last THAT is sad!  Too bad they
> > dump in an extra drop of gas in that Lotus when they changed that flat!!

Richard G Cleg

GPL - why no pitting?

by Richard G Cleg » Fri, 31 Mar 2000 04:00:00

: On Wed, 29 Mar 2000 13:40:47 GMT, Martin Granberg

:>Really? I didn't know that. I've never got such a penalty. Do you have
:>an example of a corner you get this in?
:>The only time I get called into the pit is when I jumped the start.
:>BTW, anyone know what the penalty for jumping the start is? Do I have
:>to wait a certain time or do I have to wait until the whole field has
:>passed me so I'm last? Haven't figured this one out.

: I know you can cut Adenauer-Forst at the 'Ring (that really slow
: right,
: so-sharp-if-i-dont-hear-tire-squeal-from-braking-or-gassing-i-know-
: i'm-in-trouble left, right at the top of the hill after the first
: bridge) enough to get a penalty, I know there are turns at Zandvoort
: that can be cut, probably just about any of the tracks

  Heh - the Ring one is the one that gets me - because I don't know
the track that well, I often cut that one by mistake...  what a pain.

  There are almost certainly no cuttable corners at Monza :-)

Richard G. Clegg       Only the mind is waving
    Networks and Non-Linear Dynamics Group
      Dept. of Mathematics, Uni. of York

Stephen Ferguso

GPL - why no pitting?

by Stephen Ferguso » Fri, 31 Mar 2000 04:00:00

Ah, but do we get a prize if we cut the corner while travelling backwards, 6
feet off the ground, upside down and on fire?



GPL - why no pitting?

by Benjam » Fri, 31 Mar 2000 04:00:00

On Wed, 29 Mar 2000 22:34:37 GMT, "Stephen Warrior"

>The penalty for these situations is not "an automatic DQ".  Instead, you get
>black-flagged and your pitboard will show the message "Pit In".  You then
>enter the pits, stop in your slot and wait for the board with your name on
>it to disappear.  You have then served your time penalty and may proceed
>with the race.

wow, does it depend on whether you're running intermediate or gp? If I
jump the start (gp), they tell me to pit in, and when I do, it says DQ

GPL - why no pitting?

by Benjam » Fri, 31 Mar 2000 04:00:00

never mind, I'm a moron.....  just checked it and did only get a
"jumped start, wait"  

did the original version 1.0 hand out DQ - I could swear I got DQ'd
the first race I started 'cause I took off as soon as the starter
raised the green flag (didn't know I had to wait 'til he dropped it -

Peter Ive

GPL - why no pitting?

by Peter Ive » Fri, 31 Mar 2000 04:00:00

Don't give us that, it's all true really.  Admit it ya nutter!. :)  Hey,
I often wave at my monitor as I pass my pitboard man on my outlap,
though we've never been for a friendly drink in the bar afterwards even
though he seems like a decent sort. :)

Peter Ives - (AKA Ivington)

No person's opinions can be said to be
more correct than another's, because each is
the sole judge of his or her own experience.

David Ewin

GPL - why no pitting?

by David Ewin » Fri, 31 Mar 2000 04:00:00

I think you only get DQ'ed for driving the wrong way.  All other
penalties (jumping the start, cutting some corners too severely) are
stop and go.  I haven't noticed any changes after the patches.

Dave Ewing

> never mind, I'm a moron.....  just checked it and did only get a
> "jumped start, wait"

> did the original version 1.0 hand out DQ - I could swear I got DQ'd
> the first race I started 'cause I took off as soon as the starter
> raised the green flag (didn't know I had to wait 'til he dropped it -

David A. Ewing

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