multiplayer I'm going to put the purchase on "hold" as far as Day 1 is
concerned, I may well "wait and see" now - something I couldn't have
imagined after trying the press demo.
Performance is a lot more demanding than I expected with 19 cars, having
to run 800x600 no AA/AF with settings set to medium just to get a
playable framerate at the start (i.e. framerate above single figures)
leaves GTR looking... well, very messy and very jaggy.
The AI seems to suffer from multiple personality disorder, once in front
of you they are aggressive in the extreme (great!) - however once behind
you they wimp out, to the point where there were areas of the track I
could slow down to 50 mph and have a trail of cars tailing me not even
trying to pass. (oh...)
Admittedly it's only semi-pro (Another disappointment) in this demo, but
I cannot for the life of me fathom why. It leaves me thinking why didn't
they want us to see the improvements made to sim mode... are there
any?... etc. etc.
Hopefully this is just over-hype expectations coming down to ground
level, but I do think that this demo may well turn some people off GTR.
Time to run through Frazier Wells in my virtual Subaru again, after that
I'll try the demo again with fresh eyes.
Your thoughts so far?