FF Wheels


FF Wheels

by coryta » Fri, 22 Oct 1999 04:00:00

Can anyone using wheel  &  pedals give me some force feedback?
Specifically, which brand u have used, & how is the wear & tear of the
thing, esp the FF motor

FF Wheels

by coryta » Fri, 22 Oct 1999 04:00:00

Can anyone using wheel  &  pedals give me some force feedback?
Specifically, which brand u have used, & how is the wear & tear of the
thing, esp the FF motor

FF Wheels

by coryta » Fri, 22 Oct 1999 04:00:00

Can anyone using wheel  &  pedals give me some force feedback?
Specifically, which brand u have used, & how is the wear & tear of the
thing, esp the FF motor
Andre Hanegraa

FF Wheels

by Andre Hanegraa » Fri, 22 Oct 1999 04:00:00

i use a thrustmaster formula force and have to admit that i actualy like it.
I can't get rid of the feeling that it will brake soon neough but that has
to do with previous experience with tm products, this one is actualy holding
up quit well.
I bought this one because it was the cheapest and i was curious about this
ff thing. I like driving with ff in gpl. Although you have to get used to it
because it is acting dif. than you might think. Instead of the friction on
your front wheels when turning they decided to put the weight of the car on
youtr steer. So there i was steering in under full throtle in an open wide
corner and to my surprise the steering got heavier....i just didn't
understand cause in real life when going faster steering gets a bit lighter,
but it's because they projected the centrifugale force of the body on the
wheel wich ofcourse was opposite of the direction you are steering to...

It takes some getting used to but after a whil i actualy are using the extra
information to ge allong, just don't set the forcefeedback to high cause
then yuogive yourself a handicap to big, enough to feel it but not enoug so
that you have to fight your wheel in places where you can use all the
precision you can get.

I say buy a non ff for on-line racing (although sometimes i use a ff when
racing powerslide online, game with the best implanted ff i have ever
experienced) and a ff for those hours of practice off line.

just my 2c


Greg Cisk

FF Wheels

by Greg Cisk » Sun, 24 Oct 1999 04:00:00

>Can anyone using wheel  &  pedals give me some force feedback?

"Give" you "some force feedback"?!? Haha that is pretty funny.


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