ever? It <seems> like more and more ppl. there have threads locked or
deleted, get "yellow warnings" and are otherwise muted by the
moderators. The mods seem to be the "be all, end all" on what is and is
not pertinent to a particular topic. If a mod doesn't like a topic or
the way a thread is going, they delete or lock it. I understand that
they have rules and a certain level of conduct is needed (i.e. no
racial slurs, swearing etc.) but far too many posts are deemed
"stupid", "unneeded" or "pointless". As they approach 200,000 threads
and 2.5 MILLION posts and 70,000 members, is the censorship of its
users going to worsen? One doesn't have to agree with a post or
thread, but they can still allow a thread to continue within the posted
rules. Certainly, posts soley intended to flame others aren't needed,
but a lively discussion on a topic in which ppl. have much passion on
both sides should be allowed.
I know, I know, "you don't HAVE to post there" or "if you don't like
the rules, leave" etc., but what USED to be a superior website for all
things Sim Racing, is now a website for supersized egos and