RSC and their mods

Byron Forbe

RSC and their mods

by Byron Forbe » Sun, 21 Aug 2005 23:57:08

>> Maybe I should start a class action lawsuit to get them to
>> stop this behavior ...

>   maybe you should grow up.  RSC provides a huge benefit to the COMMUNITY.
> Your feelings got hurt.  Toooooo Bad.  RSC is owned and operated by
> somebody who is not you or me.  They can do whatever the heck they want.
> If I find something that is incorrect, I challenge it.  If I get warned,
> then fine.  BFD.  I think I've had a warning on there for a year or more.
> I don't even know what it is or what it's for.  Who cares?
>  If you can show ME that your lawsuit can benefit ME more than all the
> info and dloads provided FREE by RSC then go ahead,  Start listing.
> Until such time that YOU can show just what amazing things you can
> contribute to the sim community, I'd strongly recomend you just shut up.

>  I don't know what your beef with RSC is about, I don't care.  I find it
> hugely amusing that you think you have rights on the internet.  They are
> uploading kiddie ***,***films, terrorist communications, and on and
> on
> and on.  And you feel you have a greivance worthy of a court's time?  Good
> God man...did they post pictures of your mother and a goat?

> I rarely get this crude but I do so for your benefit.  Hopefully it will
> get through to you.  Come back when you have some hair down there.  We'll
> wait the 5 or 6 years.

    So we can associate RSC with "kiddie ***,***films, terrorist
communications, and on and on and on" can we?

    It matters not about what RSC may be worth to the sim community. They
are not as allusive as the groups you mention and cannot expect to get away
with discrimination, defamation, etc, etc. If you choose to police and rule
then you can just as easily be policed and ruled. According to you, however,
there is no need to police and rule well and fairly, especially if you have
a little credit for something else.

Byron Forbe

RSC and their mods

by Byron Forbe » Sun, 21 Aug 2005 23:59:09

    Care to expand on that? - know any details?

Byron Forbe

RSC and their mods

by Byron Forbe » Mon, 22 Aug 2005 00:03:33

>> You cared enough to respond. It should be obviouse that
>> my beef is that that RSC attaches warning avatars to peoples posts,
>> and that quite often, the warnings are undeserved. In my
>> case, the RSC moderators first ignored, then over-reacted to my
>> private emails about receiving and public posting of warning.

>  No I don't care.  I can't imagine what could be so gosh darned important
> that your self-worth is impugned.

> I DO know that I myself and hundreds if not thousands of others get
> immense
> benefits from RSC.  So they can be as rude as they like.  I only know that
> your actions, for whatever reason you feel compelled to undertake, can
> only
> harm me.  I'm not defending RSC, I'm not intellectually curious enough to
> even briefly examine the merits of either side.

> For pity's's a freekin' Race Sim site.  It's not a publisher of
> scientific thesi.

> dave henrie

    dave, you seem to fall into the category of "it's only serious or
important when it happens to me".


    I don't give a stuff about what RSC does - If you wish to police then
you need to do it properly. What good you do otherwise is irrelevent!

Byron Forbe

RSC and their mods

by Byron Forbe » Mon, 22 Aug 2005 00:09:15

>>>Did you post under your real name?

>> I used jeffr. My profile includes my real name, and a link to
>> my web page (, which also includes my real
>> name and email address.

> Well, I doubt if you would have had much of a case. Was your standing
> reduced in the eyes of right thinking people? Probably not.

    Not just defamation anyway - it's becoming discrimination. They seem to
be insisting he agree to being treated illegaly or they'll ban him. The
whole idiotic system is akin to Nazis puting yellow ribbons on the arms of
Jews! All they need to do is issue private warnings and bans - sounds like a
bunch of kids on silly little parts of the learning curve to me. Another
stupid little police state!
Byron Forbe

RSC and their mods

by Byron Forbe » Mon, 22 Aug 2005 00:15:10

>> Nothing in the rules at RSC or the agreement when you join gives them
>> permission to publicly attach warning avatars to every post you make.

> It's a private forum that you chose to participate in voluntarily.  The
> administrators and moderators of the site can run it however they see
> fit, and if you don't like it you can either deal with them personally
> or go somewhere else.

    Simply untrue. Private or not, they cannot break the law.

    The question is Jason, how many of your victims are buried in the
backyard? :)

Byron Forbe

RSC and their mods

by Byron Forbe » Mon, 22 Aug 2005 00:19:56

    They key word here is privately - they may as well have these people in
black and white striped convict outfits. Stupid!


RSC and their mods

by whoo » Mon, 22 Aug 2005 01:08:27

>>>>Did you post under your real name?

>>>I used jeffr. My profile includes my real name, and a link to
>>>my web page (, which also includes my real
>>>name and email address.

>>Well, I doubt if you would have had much of a case. Was your standing
>>reduced in the eyes of right thinking people? Probably not.

>     Not just defamation anyway - it's becoming discrimination. They seem to
> be insisting he agree to being treated illegaly or they'll ban him. The
> whole idiotic system is akin to Nazis puting yellow ribbons on the arms of
> Jews! All they need to do is issue private warnings and bans - sounds like a
> bunch of kids on silly little parts of the learning curve to me. Another
> stupid little police state!

yeah, sigh!

RSC and their mods

by whoo » Mon, 22 Aug 2005 01:13:01

>>>Nothing in the rules at RSC or the agreement when you join gives them
>>>permission to publicly attach warning avatars to every post you make.
>>>In my experience these are handed out on a "assumed guilty until
>>>proven innocent" basis, they aren't fair, and violate their own rule:

>>>"4.1 - Any content that is false, abusive, defamatory, or harassing
>>>is not permitted."

>>>Every warning avatar attached by RSC is "content that is abusive and
>>>harassing". In my case they were also "false and defamatory".

>>Maybe I should start a class action lawsuit to get them to
>>stop this behavior ...

>     Sounds like now they may be guilty of discrimination also. :)

>     Sounds pretty stupid to me. They must be a bunch of***heads - all they
> need to do is respond to complaints. Imagine what sort of a no life ***wit
> you'd have to be to screen every post on those forums - LOL.

>     Sounds like a league director that screens entire race replays looking
> for incidents instead of waiting for drivers to protest.

Looks like RSC has gone the way of many a forum. It's clique ridden.
Most of the debates have been had now. And anyone foolish enough to ask
a question that has already been asked runs the risk of being rudely
told to use the search engine.
Dave Henri

RSC and their mods

by Dave Henri » Mon, 22 Aug 2005 08:35:25


>>> Nothing in the rules at RSC or the agreement when you join gives
>>> them permission to publicly attach warning avatars to every post you
>>> make. In my experience these are handed out on a "assumed guilty
>>> until proven innocent" basis, they aren't fair, and violate their
>>> own rule:

>>> "4.1 - Any content that is false, abusive, defamatory, or harassing
>>> is not permitted."

>>> Every warning avatar attached by RSC is "content that is abusive and
>>> harassing". In my case they were also "false and defamatory".

>> Maybe I should start a class action lawsuit to get them to
>> stop this behavior ...

>     Sounds like now they may be guilty of discrimination also. :)

>     Sounds pretty stupid to me. They must be a bunch of***heads -
>     all they
> need to do is respond to complaints. Imagine what sort of a no life
> ***wit you'd have to be to screen every post on those forums - LOL.

>     Sounds like a league director that screens entire race replays
>     looking
> for incidents instead of waiting for drivers to protest.

  Byron,  feel free to email me if you wish to, but I will not continue in
this publicly.  
remove the 'bite me' from my ras addy.

dave henrie

Jeff Rei

RSC and their mods

by Jeff Rei » Mon, 22 Aug 2005 09:34:51

No details, it's just mentioned under their rules section
under "Why don't other sites care about the things we do?"

They state their site got delete due to a mistake by a member.
Does this mean they were actually shut down by the content
of a post (which is what they imply), or does it mean that
a member somehow caused the site to crash and/or it's database

Jeff Rei

RSC and their mods

by Jeff Rei » Mon, 22 Aug 2005 09:37:01

I was just kidding about the class action lawsuit.
I don't plan on starting one.

Jeff Rei

RSC and their mods

by Jeff Rei » Mon, 22 Aug 2005 09:55:54

How about one that provides a list of 14 year old girls seeking older
(21+) men to "date"?

Anyway, the comment about the class action lawsuit was just me being
sarcastic. I might have started legal action if they didn't delete
my posts, as I'm pretty sure that they would have deleted them
before it got to the courts. If it had gone to court, I think the
fact they were singling me out (discrimination), and the fact that
by asking me to agree to things beyond what all the other members
agree to or else be banned would have provided enough proof that
they were violating orignal agreement since they were now asking
me to mail a written letter to accept a new agreement.

Their violation of the original agreement, combined with the fact
that I would be banned (by not agreeing to their newly imposed
rules made just for me) should have been enough to allow me to
revoke permission for them to host my posts.

Jeff Rei

RSC and their mods

by Jeff Rei » Mon, 22 Aug 2005 10:04:23

The new Live For Speed release and the First / iRacing situation have
provide fodder for new debate. For example, I asked for slicks for
all cars in S2 (did the same for S1, there are mods to do this for
both releases of LFS now), and faster shifters on the S2 race cars.
I was suprised at how long those threads got.

jason moye

RSC and their mods

by jason moye » Mon, 22 Aug 2005 12:10:23

>     Simply untrue. Private or not, they cannot break the law.

I agree, that's why you aren't allowed to paste links to copyrighted
material there. :)

I don't see how deciding what can and cannot be posted on a website
that you privately administer is violating the law.

Jeff Rei

RSC and their mods

by Jeff Rei » Mon, 22 Aug 2005 13:20:12

What can be posted wasn't the issue. First they were violating their
own rules with their warning icons on my posts. Secondly they then
asked me to send in a written notice that I wouldn't post links
to any videos (even ones that I created), which was discrimination
against me, and that I would accept their attachment of warning icons
on my posts. The fact that they asked me to agree to a further set of
rules confirms that they were indeed violating the orignal agreement
I made when I joined RSC, otherwise no letter agreeing to a new set
of rules would have been asked for.

Because their violation of the original agreement, and because they
were going to ban me since I wouldn't agree to a new set of rules,
I revoked my permission for them to host my posts, which I considered
copyrighted, and they did delete the posts.

Had they not removed my posts, then they would have been violating
copywright laws. I also consider the attachment of warning icons
on my posts to be abusive, harassing, false, and defamatory, which
I'm sure is covered by some USA law, or at least good enough for a
civil suit. I didn't use a ficticous name on that forum, so the
circumstances are different than they would be if I had used a
ficticous name. is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.