Goddamn hearing impaired employees


Goddamn hearing impaired employees

by btgos » Fri, 21 Jan 2000 04:00:00

Yikes. Of course the term "we" was meant in a very general sense. However at
the risk of being marked for death again, I have to disagree. Thankfully
other voices in this thread have added more to the discussion.
Label me with any negative tag you like, but that will not change the fact
that I feel that a hearing impaired person is not the best choice for phone
answering duty. You certainly wouldn't want a visually impaired air traffic
Each person should be given the right work, within the abilities they have.

The Enigmatic O

Goddamn hearing impaired employees

by The Enigmatic O » Fri, 21 Jan 2000 04:00:00

        I have no jobs to give anyone, actually.


Chuck Kandle

Goddamn hearing impaired employees

by Chuck Kandle » Fri, 21 Jan 2000 04:00:00

> Nice, though, to see that we have someone in our list who knows just exactly
> what "the handicapped" (as if they formed some sort of monolithic entity)
> desired.

LOL!  If that's how it came off, then my apologies.  I was just giving
some insight that I'd gained some years back.  However I didn't then,
don't now, & most likely never will represent fully the view of anyone
else besides myself. ;-))

//Chuck Kandler  #70
//ChuckK on & WinVROC
//K&S Racing
//The box said "Windows 0x5h or better", so I installed LINUX!

Chuck Kandle

Goddamn hearing impaired employees

by Chuck Kandle » Fri, 21 Jan 2000 04:00:00

> >You'd suggest I
> >would better serve this handicapped gentleman by entering the store &
> >raving like a lunatic at his employer, demanding his job?  Baloney!

> I know this wasn't directed at me, but I did mention bringing the shopping
> cart incident to the store's attention, so I thought I might follow up on
> that.

No, sir.  It wasn't aimed at you.  Although I did *borrow* from you &
added exaggeration in order to make my point.  ;-)

I hope the manager didn't do that either, although it's quite likely
that could be the result.  Don't get me wrong.  I wouldn't exactly do
backflips in glee over getting my car dented.  But I wouldn't want that
to cause such a person to lose their job either.  It'll be *much* harder
for him to replace a job than for skilled workers such as ourselves.

//Chuck Kandler  #70
//ChuckK on & WinVROC
//K&S Racing
//The box said "Windows 0x5h or better", so I installed LINUX!


Goddamn hearing impaired employees

by Eldre » Fri, 21 Jan 2000 04:00:00


Out of curiousity, how long DID it take to learn sign language?  I've seen it
on TV and occasionally in person, and I admit I'd have NO CLUE how to do it.
It doesn't seem like I'd EVER be able to learn sing language, although I'm


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Goddamn hearing impaired employees

by Eldre » Fri, 21 Jan 2000 04:00:00

I don't care HOW much you disagree with someone.  Wishing that type of fate on
him doesn't make you any better than you accuse HIM of being...
Tiger Stadium R.I.P. 1912-1999
Own Grand Prix Legends?  Goto

Never argue with an idiot.  He brings you down to his level, then beats you
with experience...
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Phil Bowe

Goddamn hearing impaired employees

by Phil Bowe » Fri, 21 Jan 2000 04:00:00

Keep in mind now,

you're in America.  The land of free speech as long as your not talking
about minorities.  God forbid that John Rocker speak his mind.  Even
presidential candidates now say, "I don't know him and I don't want to!",
while debating issues.  What bullshit.

Black people can say anything they like about whites and there's no problem
but god forbid any white person say anything about blacks.  There's gonna be
hell to pay.  The whole F*&$$n world's full of liberals and that's why this
thread is the biggest in the newsgroup over NOTHING.  I got a good laugh out
of the original post.  I spent 4 hours today working at a company of nothing
BUT handicapped persons and I have nothing bad to say about any of them.  I
just can't believe that there's 65 reply posts to a message from the 17th
about such horseshit.

>I'd love to know what I said that was so insensitive. All I am trying to
>is that I am frustrated that I cant get through to the store even with all
>this extra ***that they had to put in. I'd love to see how you feel when
>you try for 20 minutes to get an answer to a simple question on the phone
>and get nothing.

>> They shouldn't let retarded little turd hurlers like you post in this
>> Unbelievable!

>> > I call EB to find out if they have a LWFF, only to find a recording
>> > says, "The employee at this store is hearing impaired, please dial
>> > bla bla bla, then ask the operator to dial 813-blah blah blah." So
>> > when I try it, no one even answers! AAAAAAHHHHHHHH DONT PUT A GODDAMN

The Enigmatic O

Goddamn hearing impaired employees

by The Enigmatic O » Fri, 21 Jan 2000 04:00:00

        So it would be bad for him to be handicapped, but it's right for him to
wish handicapped people weren't around to "inconvenience" him?


Bruce Kennewel

Goddamn hearing impaired employees

by Bruce Kennewel » Fri, 21 Jan 2000 04:00:00

Thanks David.

Bruce Kennewell,
Canberra, Australia.

> I saw nothing in that post which (a) accepted mediocrity or, (b) was not
> "honest and equal."

> Nice, though, to see that we have someone in our list who knows just
> what "the handicapped" (as if they formed some sort of monolithic entity)
> desired.

> DK,
> now vacating this thread for good

> > It is this mentality that breeds mediocrity and society's acceptance of
> it.

> > Get off your politically-correct soapbox and be honest and equal in your
> > approach to the handicapped.  That is all they ask.

> > --
> > Regards,
> > Bruce Kennewell,
> > Canberra, Australia.
> > ---------------------------

> > > My God, what a selfish outlook!  Just turn it in as a "parking lot
> > > incident".  I agree that the place is doing well to hire such folk.
> > > Don't put his job in jeopardy.  If the whole situation is
> > > just don't shop there.  I think most people are compassionate enough
> > > understand.

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The Enigmatic O

Goddamn hearing impaired employees

by The Enigmatic O » Fri, 21 Jan 2000 04:00:00

        No one stopped you from spewing forth your racist, prejudiced, biggoted
tripe.  Now go crawl back into your hole.


Bruce Kennewel

Goddamn hearing impaired employees

by Bruce Kennewel » Fri, 21 Jan 2000 04:00:00

That is not what I said and if you read it again then perhaps you might get
the message.
If not, then so be it.

Bruce Kennewell,
Canberra, Australia.

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Bruce Kennewel

Goddamn hearing impaired employees

by Bruce Kennewel » Fri, 21 Jan 2000 04:00:00

I thought not.
Bruce Kennewell,
Canberra, Australia.

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daxe rexfor

Goddamn hearing impaired employees

by daxe rexfor » Fri, 21 Jan 2000 04:00:00

> So it would be bad for him to be handicapped, but it's right for him to
>wish handicapped people weren't around to "inconvenience" him?

I never said I wished they weren't around.  I said I wished they would get
jobs they could do well instead of jobs they can't do well.  The same is
true of anyone, disabled or not.


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Steve Ferguso

Goddamn hearing impaired employees

by Steve Ferguso » Fri, 21 Jan 2000 04:00:00

: You guys need to think reasonably and logically instead of worrying whether
: or not you're being 100% politically correct.  If I deserve a stroke for
: feeling this way then so be it.

First off, you certainly don't deserve a stroke.  You are entitled to your

It gets tiresome to have any sort of socialist thought labelled with the
PC tag.  this is not about political correctness, and "PC" is a convenient
phrase people throw around to devalue socially minded attitudes.

I'm pulling out of this discussion now.  After all, it's not really
r.a.s. material, and we seem to have two distinct camps, so it's just
going to go back and forth ad nauseum.


Reggie Brook

Goddamn hearing impaired employees

by Reggie Brook » Fri, 21 Jan 2000 04:00:00

Enough of this crap,already. It doesn't belong here. is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.