Let me also say I have had numerous times when I have called to place an order
at JC Penney and could not understand the "Spanglish" the person was speaking.
(Im not picking on them, but sometimes its funny what my hearing 'hears' them
saying <G>). I have on one occasion politely asked to speak to someone else
because I am having a hard time understanding them. I did not do it to be
mean or cruel, just simply because I could not understand them. One of my
political pet peeves is the requirement to speak english... but we wont get
into that. My point is Im not going to slam someone and throw a fit because
someone is trying to do their job. I have been on the other end of it. Is
putting someone who doesn't speak English very well on the telephone a good
business move? I don't know, maybe not. But I am not going to go on a
rampant tirade over it.
Believe me... I have very little patience. Ask my wife, she wont take me to
the grocery store anymore and god forbid we go to the mall <VBG>
I have a 'black list' of stores i will not shop at because I don't like their
service. I will not spend a nickel at the "Bon-Ton" because every time I go it
seems like I have to hunt someone down to take my money. So to me, that means
they must not want my business very much. I do not throw a fit, I simply quit
shopping there.
AND.. have you ever noticed if you go to a Circuit City or a Best Buy and want
help, there is never anyone around but if you are there just to browse the
sales people are on you like white on rice?? OK.. I digress <VBG>
Besides, isnt that what the internet is for?? =)
I just think if someone with a disability is trying to be a productive citizen
and work for a living, by all means we should be supportive of that.
Scott B. Husted
ICQ# 4395450