> I'll throw another log on this fire. About 3 days after I bought my current
> automobile I was sitting in the parking lot of a supermarket eating my lunch
> and reading. Suddenly, I hear a *BANG* and look up to see the person
> collecting shopping carts in the parking lot had shoved a string of carts
> into the side of my car. It's black and has no side impact strips (my car),
> so I suddenly have a nice big dent in the side of my new car courtesy of
> this person. I watched as he wrestled the carts away and bumped into
> another car on the way to the little cart corral. I also noticed the person
> was developmentally disabled. I imagine he does a great job 95% of the
> time, but the other 5% of the time he shoves the carts into the sides of
> people's cars. Should I just think nice thoughts about how the supermarket
> did society a favor by hiring this guy or should I be pissed that they hired
> someone without enough mental wherewithall not to destroy people's cars? He
> does a great job 95% of the time afterall, right?
> ~daxe
My God, what a selfish outlook! Just turn it in as a "parking lot
incident". I agree that the place is doing well to hire such folk.
Don't put his job in jeopardy. If the whole situation is unacceptable,
just don't shop there. I think most people are compassionate enough to
I used to live with a deaf family about 20 years ago. Learned sign
language right quick. Believe me, they understand very well the
Neanderthals that exist in the hearing world. And some are very capable
of talking on the phone, those who get some benefit from hearing aids.
They are still not up to our level many times, but can certainly
accomplish their tasks.
You'll find that a little understanding can go a long way. You never
know when you or one of yours is in the same boat, observing the world's
cruel attitudes towards *YOU*.
//Chuck Kandler #70
//ChuckK on Won.net & WinVROC
//K&S Racing
//The box said "Windows 0x5h or better", so I installed LINUX!