Goddamn hearing impaired employees


Goddamn hearing impaired employees

by Davi » Wed, 19 Jan 2000 04:00:00

Well I would have done a simple thing.  I would have taken my business
elsewhere even if I was going to return something for credit to buy
something else.  If more people voted with their feet then companies would
make sure that person that was hearing impaired had a coworker at the store
with them.  But since we as a people put up with long phone waits automated
attendents, and salesman that could not sell a heater to a person stranded
on the Artic circle, they now feel its no problem to leave someone in a
store alone that cannot answer the phone.  Hell no company should let even
theri greatest employee in the store alone.  Its just asking for the store
and the employee to get ripped off by theives and it makes customer service
suffer.  Personally I never put up with long phone waits, or salesman that
when asked tell ohh i thinks its over there.  There is always someplace
that will answer the phone, and will answer questions.  You might pay a bit
more, bit its like anything else pick any two items  SERVICE, QUALITY or


> I'd love to know what I said that was so insensitive. All I am trying to
> is that I am frustrated that I cant get through to the store even with
> this extra ***that they had to put in. I'd love to see how you feel
> you try for 20 minutes to get an answer to a simple question on the phone
> and get nothing.

> > They shouldn't let retarded little turd hurlers like you post in this
> group.
> > Unbelievable!

> > > I call EB to find out if they have a LWFF, only to find a recording
> > > says, "The employee at this store is hearing impaired, please dial
> 1-800-
> > > bla bla bla, then ask the operator to dial 813-blah blah blah." So
> > > when I try it, no one even answers! AAAAAAHHHHHHHH DONT PUT A GODDAMN

Steve Ferguso

Goddamn hearing impaired employees

by Steve Ferguso » Wed, 19 Jan 2000 04:00:00

: I'd love to know what I said that was so insensitive. All I am trying to say
: is that I am frustrated that I cant get through to the store even with all
: this extra ***that they had to put in. I'd love to see how you feel when
: you try for 20 minutes to get an answer to a simple question on the phone
: and get nothing.

Put your pacifier back in.  Let me remind you... perhaps it was the
comment about not letting goddamn deaf people answer the phone.  If you
can't figure out for yourself what was so insensitive about your
post... well, then you are insensitive.  

Life isn't about instant gratification always.

:> They shouldn't let retarded little turd hurlers like you post in this
: group.
:> Unbelievable!

:> > I call EB to find out if they have a LWFF, only to find a recording that
:> > says, "The employee at this store is hearing impaired, please dial
: 1-800-
:> > bla bla bla, then ask the operator to dial 813-blah blah blah." So then,
:> > when I try it, no one even answers! AAAAAAHHHHHHHH DONT PUT A GODDAMN
:> >
:> >

Steve Ferguso

Goddamn hearing impaired employees

by Steve Ferguso » Wed, 19 Jan 2000 04:00:00

: Oh, I forgot to add...
: Or, you could have been a friggin' "man" and kept trying  the second call
: that patches you through until you get through to someone.

too bad you left it off.  It would keep the Birkenstock crowd like me
quiet, and also stick a thumb in the eye of the fellow who spit his
pacifier out when he couldn't get some instant gratification because a
fair-minded company hired a hearing-impaired employee.

: Instead you take the time to get online and write an inflammatory post about
: people with hearing impairment. If you had spent that time trying to get
: through, most probably, you'd have gotten through before the post was done.

Agreed.  I imagine the call was just being patched through to someone who
could transcribe it to a view-phone, and then the original poster might
have been surprised at how competently he would have been served.  We're
all deaf in USENET.

: Note to Steve,

Before I begin my response, I will agree that the "evil" of driving to the
local EB was perhaps exaggerated, compared to the much more disturbing
intolerance that started the thread.

: Or, you can sit on a computer that during the course of manufacture polluted
: the environment with many solvents, and during operation burns electricity
: that most likely was produced at least partially through burning of fossil
: fuels. Also, the operation of the computers can produce the "bad" kind of
: ozone that...blah, blah, blah....the sky is falling....

Actually, the latest wave-solder machines are pretty damn clean.  I have
the advantage of living in a town where the electricity is generated from
a naturally occuring reservoir (no dam) which feeds a small
turbine.  There are no indigenous fish to this aquifier, due to our
altitude (1560m), so I can have a fairly clean conscience about my
computer use. :) (note smiley)

: Also, seeing that you are on the RAS newsgroup, I will assume you are a
: motorsports fan of some sort. If this is true, then unless you watch only
: solar powered car racing (or hydrogen), then you too contribute to dumping
: that ***into the air. I also doubt you wring your hands every lap saying,
: "oh no, there's another gallon in the air."

I do like cars.  I feel like someone in a therapy group when I try to
balance my love of old sports cars (as yet unrequited) with my enviro
sensitivity.  I think I will continue to feed my passion for autos, born
of childhood fantasies, by virtual lapping.  R.A.S., and the sims that
inspire us, are good things.  As for cars that really e*** me now; well,
the new Honda hybrid and Lupo 3L amaze me.  I'd love to see (and everyone
will say I am a heretic) F1 pushed towards certain efficiency targets.  I
bet we would see some amazing hybrid technology come off the CAD screens
really quickly if Ford was suddenly forced to combine brutal acceleration
with (relatively) improved fuel efficiency.

I also got a kick out of my old University's high placing in the
international solar race, but we won't go into the manufacturing process
for solar cells.  And I did used to wring my hands when the F1 cars were
burning rocket fuel instead of pump gas.  As I age, I am finding modern F1
more and more irrelevant, to the point that I am more interested in
reading about the engineering of the cars than actually tuning in a race.

: One lap in a race car puts as much "crap", if not more, into the air as one
: of my trips to EB. So I fail to see your point in taking the environmental
: high-road in this.

As does mowing the lawn, of course.  My only point is that every one of
these actions involves a choice.  I am not naiive enough to believe that
we could ever have a Utopia where nobody pollutes.  Even if I convince you
not to drive to the EB, your neighbour will still get into their SUV to
drive to the corner store.  However, if you make the choice, as an
individual, to not drive to the EB, you make a (very very) small
contribution to the solution.  I grew up with a North American mentality
towards driving, partly because of the distances involved.  Since moving
to Europe, I recognize that the (small, efficient, used) car that I bought
here is a luxury, which I use only when other forms of travel are not
practical.  I cycle to work, and I drop 2000.- a year on a train pass to
get me around the country.  In fact, I find my auto use dropping every
year, to the point that I will probably sell it.  I also find I do a lot
more online and telephone commerce now, because in Europe one does pause
to actually consider how much it is going to cost (in dollars and
environmental impact - Milano just had a car-free day because they are so
polluted) to drive to the store.  My point was (and I could have stated it
in a less combative way) that a telephone call, in this case, would be
much more ecologically sound, and that making these small individual
choices does make a difference.

: Point I was trying to make was that he was being small minded AND whining
: instead of being proactive in his attempt to get the information he needed.

True.  Sorry that I deflected attention from this point.

: Unfortunately, I clicked my message out before I was finished with my post.
: My apologies.

None required, really.  You didn't insult me in any way.

: Ian


:>: Last time I checked, working at EB entailed much more than answering a
:>: phone. If you want to know if they have it, get your a$$ in the car and
:>: drive down to EB and ask the person face to face.
:>Yeah, that's a good idea.  Instead of making a 10 cent phone call, hop in
:>your car, burn a gallon of fuel, throw some more ***into the air.


Goddamn hearing impaired employees

by btgos » Wed, 19 Jan 2000 04:00:00

I hate to agree with such a negative post. And it is far from "PC" but
having a deaf person answer the phone for a business is stupid. Pure and
Simple. I'm not saying that person shouldn't be allowed to make a living,
but really, they aren't even answering the phone. Some well trained dog is,
and all that typing. Have you seen a dogs paws.
Wait I've wandered again.


The Artist Formerly known as the Mocker
BTGOSS on Gamespy and KALI

    Seriously tho'. Having the deaf answer phones is stupid. That is one
service that they should not be called upon to provide. We really need to
step back from this overly PC attitude.

daxe rexfor

Goddamn hearing impaired employees

by daxe rexfor » Wed, 19 Jan 2000 04:00:00

>We really need to
>step back from this overly PC attitude.



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Mark Seer

Goddamn hearing impaired employees

by Mark Seer » Wed, 19 Jan 2000 04:00:00

Thank Christ we live in 2000 and not 1936!!


David Kar

Goddamn hearing impaired employees

by David Kar » Wed, 19 Jan 2000 04:00:00

"PC?"--well, that kind of cuts off diaogue, doesn't it?  Methinks the term
PC gets tossed around a bit too much.  Try substituting "thoughtfulness"
once in while.

But thanks for telling us what "we" need to do, Moses (btgoss).


> >We really need to
> >step back from this overly PC attitude.

> Amen

> ~daxe

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Bob Curti

Goddamn hearing impaired employees

by Bob Curti » Wed, 19 Jan 2000 04:00:00

Don't you understand that it's politically incorrect to tell the truth nowadays,
especially when you've got a wonderful administration who feels our pain?
Quadrapalegic surgeons, blind racing drivers, stone deaf musicians, armless pro
basketball players?  Why not?  Who are we to scoff?  Reality is for the
insensitive; not the warm, caring self-righteous (and oh so eloquent) folks who
have been trying desperately to show you the One True Way.

> I'd love to know what I said that was so insensitive. All I am trying to say
> is that I am frustrated that I cant get through to the store even with all
> this extra ***that they had to put in. I'd love to see how you feel when
> you try for 20 minutes to get an answer to a simple question on the phone
> and get nothing.

> > They shouldn't let retarded little turd hurlers like you post in this
> group.
> > Unbelievable!

> > > I call EB to find out if they have a LWFF, only to find a recording that
> > > says, "The employee at this store is hearing impaired, please dial
> 1-800-
> > > bla bla bla, then ask the operator to dial 813-blah blah blah." So then,
> > > when I try it, no one even answers! AAAAAAHHHHHHHH DONT PUT A GODDAMN

Bob Curtin
Worcester Area Strategy & Tactics Exchange
"If God had intended men to join the Army he would have given us green, baggy
Scott B. Huste

Goddamn hearing impaired employees

by Scott B. Huste » Wed, 19 Jan 2000 04:00:00

Maybe you would feel differently if you were the deaf, blind or otherwise disabled

This isn't about political correctness.  Did you ever think maybe the deaf person
answering the phone was busy helping others in some way just as if a non-disabled
person would be?   Maybe its a store policy to serve the customers in the store
before answering the phone.  In that case, vent towards the store policy and not the
disabled person.

I guess in your view all disabled individuals should just be locked in a home
because they are obviously useless right?

Again, its not about political correctness...  its about ignorance.


> Don't you understand that it's politically incorrect to tell the truth nowadays,
> especially when you've got a wonderful administration who feels our pain?
> Quadrapalegic surgeons, blind racing drivers, stone deaf musicians, armless pro
> basketball players?  Why not?  Who are we to scoff?  Reality is for the
> insensitive; not the warm, caring self-righteous (and oh so eloquent) folks who
> have been trying desperately to show you the One True Way.

> > I'd love to know what I said that was so insensitive. All I am trying to say
> > is that I am frustrated that I cant get through to the store even with all
> > this extra ***that they had to put in. I'd love to see how you feel when
> > you try for 20 minutes to get an answer to a simple question on the phone
> > and get nothing.

> > > They shouldn't let retarded little turd hurlers like you post in this
> > group.
> > > Unbelievable!

> > > > I call EB to find out if they have a LWFF, only to find a recording that
> > > > says, "The employee at this store is hearing impaired, please dial
> > 1-800-
> > > > bla bla bla, then ask the operator to dial 813-blah blah blah." So then,
> > > > when I try it, no one even answers! AAAAAAHHHHHHHH DONT PUT A GODDAMN
> > DEAF

> --
> Bob Curtin
> Worcester Area Strategy & Tactics Exchange
> "If God had intended men to join the Army he would have given us green, baggy
> skin"

Scott B. Husted
ICQ# 4395450
Barton Spencer Brow

Goddamn hearing impaired employees

by Barton Spencer Brow » Wed, 19 Jan 2000 04:00:00

Right effin' on, Scott. And just to extend that analysis, we have in our
store a stock clerk who escaped with his family from the fighting in
Kosovo. He's trying very hard to learn English, so right now he's a
stock clerk. People often ask him questions in the aisle, and he
politely refers them, as best he can, to someone who can understand and
answer his questions. We had a*** customer in the "tampax"- Bob Curtin
mold who came to the front counter and complained "There's some jerk
back there who doesn't speak English!"... we showed him the door.

If I call a store or service and they have a hearing-impaired employee,
my first thought is "now *there's* a responsible business, helping
people to make their own way in life with dignity," NOT "how does this
inconvenience ME" -- I'm no saint, WAAAAY past Liberal, and several
light years from PC, but I *do* believe we ARE our brothers' keepers,
and we ARE responsible for helping those who need help.

I think we're a vanishing species, Scott...


> Again, its not about political correctness...  its about ignorance.

> Scott
> PA-Scott


Goddamn hearing impaired employees

by tamp » Wed, 19 Jan 2000 04:00:00

Thank You

Steve Ferguso

Goddamn hearing impaired employees

by Steve Ferguso » Wed, 19 Jan 2000 04:00:00

: If I call a store or service and they have a hearing-impaired employee,
: my first thought is "now *there's* a responsible business, helping
: people to make their own way in life with dignity," NOT "how does this
: inconvenience ME" -- I'm no saint, WAAAAY past Liberal, and several
: light years from PC, but I *do* believe we ARE our brothers' keepers,
: and we ARE responsible for helping those who need help.

And if I get shunted to a phone service that is acting as a go-between,
and it doesn't perform perfectly, I think "at least someone is trying to
put a system together".  If we don't support this kind of technology and
accesibilty work in its infancy, and put up with some of its bugs, then
the system never has a chance to grow and improve.  We're not far off from
reliable speech-to-text conversion, and vice-versa, that will make your
telephone conversation with a hearing impaired person no different than
any other.


Andre Warring

Goddamn hearing impaired employees

by Andre Warring » Wed, 19 Jan 2000 04:00:00

Tampa, I still think you're an ***. Open your mind.


On Tue, 18 Jan 2000 14:55:14 -0500, "tampa"

>Thank You

>> I happen to be "hearing impaired", having suffered from industrial
>> caused by working conditions during my apprenticeship years.  To this day
>> have a significant loss of hearing at the low and high frenquency ends of
>> the scale and also suffer from severe tinninitus.

>> However, I can also read through the passion behind this fellow's outburst
>> and understand why he was so annoyed in the first place.  On the face of
>> people, the fact that a "hearing-impaired" chap has been give a job that
>> requires telephone answering is definitely ironic and the stuff of which
>> jokes are made! :-)

>> (Richard Pryor and Gene Wilder made a very funny movie many years ago
>> a deaf guy and a blind guy......the gags were hilarious!  Here in
>> there is a racing yacht called "Out of Sight, Out of Mind".  It's owned by
>> blind bloke and his psychiatrist pal!)

>> So don't pillory the poor guy....he was only annoyed by the circumstances.
>> I'm sure he is not as *** as what you are making him out to be.

Olav K. Malm

Goddamn hearing impaired employees

by Olav K. Malm » Wed, 19 Jan 2000 04:00:00

This is probably the best sentence I have read today. Very well put.

Olav K. Malmin
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