What kind of frame rates do you get in 800x 600? My Banshee (oclocked
to 127mhz) gives consistent 35-37 fps in training, but poor with other
cars, due to my k6-2 300 cpu. I'll be upgrading to a celeron soon,
primarily for gpl, but I'll probably be sticking with the Banshee for a
while, and would like to know what performance I'd be getting with a
full grid of cars.
At the very least, make sure you o'clock the banshee, the jump in
performance is quite good, so long as you have a fan on the heatsink.
I haven't had any dramas at all with glide apps being dark, some need
some gamma correction, but most are fine. Maybe your monitor doesn't
allow you to use enough brightness??
R Mc
> I'm considering upgrading a Voodoo Banshee to a V3000. My system
> is a Celeron O/C'd to 458MHz with plenty o' memory. Do people
> reckon
> that GPL would be improved by the change of graphics card? With my
> current system on the Banshee I can run at 800x600 with most stuff
> turned on - however, it's very dark on all glide apps and
> adjusting the
> glide gamma balance doesn't seem to help.
> How's GPL with a V3000? Anyone have a comparable system? Will
> the
> "too dark" problem go away?
> Thanks in advance.
> Richard
> --
> Richard G. Clegg Only the mind is waving
> Networks and Non-Linear Dynamics Group
> Dept. of Mathematics, Uni. of York
> www: http://manor.york.ac.uk/top.html
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