OT: pricing and piracy

David Butte

OT: pricing and piracy

by David Butte » Mon, 19 Jun 2000 04:00:00


Why on earth use Office Pro? Use something cheaper, like Ability
Office, which is forever being given away free on magazine cover CDs.
Or even Star Office, which is free.

"After all, a mere thousand yards - such a harmless little knoll,
(Raymond Mays on Shelsley Walsh)


OT: pricing and piracy

by Ray » Mon, 19 Jun 2000 04:00:00

Not in Houston!

> >I would like to find a store that accepts returns!

> Electronics Boutique.

> --
> David.
> "After all, a mere thousand yards - such a harmless little knoll,
> really."
> (Raymond Mays on Shelsley Walsh)


OT: pricing and piracy

by daxe » Mon, 19 Jun 2000 04:00:00

> > Right and wrong are relative, not absolute (unless you are a religious
> > zealot.)
>   BS, the only time it is relative is when someone tries to justify
> their illegal, imm***or other generally unacceptable actions.   Paul

A person who thinks there is an immutable, absolute right and wrong equally
applicable to everyone is either too stupid to think/see outside their own
little world or has been brainwashed by some religious organization or both.

How about this Paul:  in some parts of the world they routinely eat dogs.
If you killed a dog and ate it in this country you could be prosecuted for
that action.  In those parts of the world you are simply feeding yourself by
doing something completely acceptable.  Are the people in Thailand WRONG
simply because that action doesn't fit in in this culture?


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OT: pricing and piracy

by pqt2 » Mon, 19 Jun 2000 04:00:00

> > > Right and wrong are relative, not absolute (unless you are a religious
> > > zealot.)
> >   BS, the only time it is relative is when someone tries to justify
> > their illegal, imm***or other generally unacceptable actions.   Paul

> A person who thinks there is an immutable, absolute right and wrong equally
> applicable to everyone is either too stupid to think/see outside their own
> little world or has been brainwashed by some religious organization or
> both.

  In my opinion I'm not stupid, at my age maybe senile but not stupid;
don't live in my own little world, been more places and done more than
many; may have been brainwashed by my Father who believed in only three
thing and they was honesty, integrity and loyalty and it has served him
well for 83 years and me for--(well, that's another meaningless story);
and I sure as hell have never been accused of being religious, just a
"When in Rome----" sound familiar? If it is right and expectable, as
long as it is moral, in the country you are in then generally it is
right(Let's don't start the Nazi Germany comparison since you know what
I really mean).  Probably if you killed that damn dog humanely (what
ever that is) and ate it no one but PETA would hassle you. Now don't
jump on me  about the dog comments, I love my 10 year old Yellow Lab and
would probably kill someone if they screwed with him but he still is
just a dog.
  The bottom line is that in most all instances right is right and wrong
is wrong.  You can't be a little pregnant.  Paul

"Don't take yourself too serious
since someone else just might and
then what are you going to do!"


OT: pricing and piracy

by pqt2 » Mon, 19 Jun 2000 04:00:00

And just what did you display?  Paul

> >> Right and wrong are relative, not absolute (unless you are a religious
> >> zealot.)
> >  BS, the only time it is relative is when someone tries to justify
> >their illegal, imm***or other generally unacceptable actions.   Paul

>         Stupidity on display here in r.a.s--thanks for affirming my "faith" in
> the intelligence of the average being.

>                                         -Tim

"Don't take yourself too serious
since someone else just might and
then what are you going to do!"
The Enigmatic O

OT: pricing and piracy

by The Enigmatic O » Tue, 20 Jun 2000 04:00:00

        Stupidity on display here in r.a.s--thanks for affirming my "faith" in
the intelligence of the average being.


Bruce Kennewel

OT: pricing and piracy

by Bruce Kennewel » Tue, 20 Jun 2000 04:00:00

I wonder why?!!

Bruce Kennewell,
Canberra, Australia.

Bruce Kennewel

OT: pricing and piracy

by Bruce Kennewel » Tue, 20 Jun 2000 04:00:00

I agree that we each have the right to disagree but beyond that point I know
that my feelings regarding "theft" are rock-solid, irrespective of whether
the subject matter is intellectual, physical or electronic.

I can only see this as either black or shades of grey.  Until
(unless?) laws change to allow otherwise, or until technology comes up with
a solution to what I call "electronic theft" then that's the way I will
approach it. In other words....under the present international legal
regulations, software piracy is theft. Period.
Bruce Kennewell,
Canberra, Australia.

> >Oh, for Christ's sake, stop trying to justify theft in this ridiculous
> >manner!!

> >I use my piano once in a blue moon, but I didn't steal it just because I
> >felt that I shouldn't really have to pay full price seeing that I
> >be using it frequently! Ditto my golf clubs and club membership......I
> >sneak onto the course and thieve a set of golf clubs simply because I
> >play once or twice a year!

> >Can't you understand that something is either right or wrong (morally,
> >legally or both)?  It can't be "a little bit wrong" or "mostly right".
> >either one or the other.

> Bruce, the problem here is that software IS a special case. Maybe we would
> it not to be, but it just *IS* different from everything else.

> Since software is reproducable in an immaterial way, it is about the only
> product that can be "stolen" without actually taking something away.
Taking it
> doesn't coincide with the other not having it anymore. This is kind of a
> situation, and it doesn't fit all too well into our classical right/wrong
> scheme.

> We, as a society, determine all together what should be considered wrong
> what should be considered right. In general, people agree pretty well
> these things. The fact that there is such an enormous amount of pirated
> going around is not necessarilly *only* an indication of how bad
everything is
> going on the m***front. Categorizing all the people, who have pirated
> on their HD, as criminals just can't be right. 95% of them wouldn't think
> stealing something from a supermarket. And that is not because they are
> stupid to see that "pirated software is the same!!"

> I'm pretty confident that the majority has more than enough morality left
> will honestly ask themselves the question whether they should pay for
> that is on their HD. If they REALLY make USE of it, they will probably pay
> it.

> At least, that's how I feel about the situation.

> JoH

> ------- The best way to accelerate a Mac is 9.81 m/s2 --------
> --------------------------------------------------------------

Bruce Kennewel

OT: pricing and piracy

by Bruce Kennewel » Tue, 20 Jun 2000 04:00:00

Then in that case, "friend", pop me into the naive numbskull enclosure
You obviously do not have, or have not had, any involvement with the
practise of law....otherwise you would know that it is, indeed, a case of
either one or the other........"friend".
Bruce Kennewell,
Canberra, Australia.

Bruce Kennewel

OT: pricing and piracy

by Bruce Kennewel » Tue, 20 Jun 2000 04:00:00

No doubt, by this statement, we draw the conclusion that you classify
yourself as having an Intelligence Quotient above (perhaps below?) the of
the average human being?  What, pray, IS that average measurment?
Bruce Kennewell,
Canberra, Australia.

Jo Hels

OT: pricing and piracy

by Jo Hels » Tue, 20 Jun 2000 04:00:00

Well, you made some good points here and it seems you don't disagree
that much after all  :-)

Not from everything else, but from most material goods surely.


Agreed again. You've had more time to think about these matters  :-)

In terms of effects, there's indeed not much difference between using
a freeware program and an illegal copy.

Not photoshop/3D Studio/Office suffer most from their pirating, but
actually the companies that produce simpler and less expensive
software. In the end, the effect of freeware is the same.

I think most typical home users of pirated Office/Photoshop/3D Studio
copies reason that they don't want to pay for what they COULD do with
that software, but only for what they ACTUALLY use it for.

In the case of Photoshop and 3D Studio (sitting illegally on many
harddrives out there...), they are mainly used to play around a bit.
Producing some nice pictures to put on your homepage. Or amusing
yourself with dreadfull animations even worse than typical
holiday-photographs... :-) Typically no real productivity at all.

Nobody would ever pay the full price for that software just to do
these things. The price is only justified by the actual use that the
real pros make of it. Maybe a better way to handle these problems
would be to sell $10 personal "no-productivity" copies. Bundle it with
a short manual and it might actually sell to a lot of people who are
now playing around with pirate versions.


Bill Whit

OT: pricing and piracy

by Bill Whit » Tue, 20 Jun 2000 04:00:00

On Mon, 19 Jun 2000 17:19:29 +1000, "Bruce Kennewell"

>Then in that case, "friend", pop me into the naive numbskull enclosure
>You obviously do not have, or have not had, any involvement with the
>practise of law....otherwise you would know that it is, indeed, a case of
>either one or the other........"friend".

     I just popped in to see what is going on in the race sim world
   and much to my surprise..not much anything different..people
    griping about piracy...expectations of a new sim that will more
   than likely suck raw eggs....I have just this to say...if the ones
    who make this software would start pumping out quality stuff
   and have solid support...maybe people would stop downloading
    "unauthorized products" I don't say piracy..cause the true
     definition of Piracy is making copies and reselling as a gain
    for profit..and using unregistered software in a business..All and
     I mean ALL software companies need to have Toll-free support
     on company I had trouble with or product..I called their number
     and was on hold for 20 mins...when the support guy came on..he
     didn't know his ass from a horse's d**k...what did I learn...nada
    what did I get?...a f**king 25.00 phone bill...hell it's enough to
     make one go and dl may disagree but..that is just the
     way it is pal....and all of us have been a "thief" if you want to

      go copied movies on Video..etc...etc..


OT: pricing and piracy

by daxe » Tue, 20 Jun 2000 04:00:00

The same activity is right in some places but not in others, HOWEVER right
and wrong are NOT relative.  OK BUDDY  whatever you say....


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David G Fishe

OT: pricing and piracy

by David G Fishe » Tue, 20 Jun 2000 04:00:00

Yes. They are horribly wrong, and stupid. If someone tried to do that in
front of me, they'd be eating my forearm.

David G Fisher

David Butte

OT: pricing and piracy

by David Butte » Tue, 20 Jun 2000 04:00:00

Don't they have a website?
"After all, a mere thousand yards - such a harmless little knoll,
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