My MSFF does a fair amount of that, though there is only so much end
swapping you can feel in the wheel, it's more in the visual bias. You can
map the Y axis forces to the X axis so you get some sense of it, but by
nature it's going to be artificial. One thing the wheel does well in VR is
give you a sense of the ups and downs of the road surface.
The centering force is adjustable and is pretty good on high. I leave it
one notch below that. I noticed two things though:
1. It is clumsy to try and hit the shift buttons behind the wheel when it
is turned. I have big hands and I really have to wrap my hands around to
get to them. If you have smaller hands, you might not be able to reach
around the FAT wheel rim very well. The wheel has places in the *** part
of the outer edge to hook your thumb, also, and yourthumb can get stuck in
them ifyou have to turn the wheel very far, say, for opposite lock or
2. The wheel is small, about 10" in diameter. I have wide shoulders and it
gets uncomfortable to have to hold my arms that way to 'focus' my hands in
front of me with a good range of motion. I have the same trouble with a
computer keyboard. Putting my hands straight next to each other in front of
me is all but impossible.
email me if you want more specific answers to anything. Remove the
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