> >sorry,
> >what "real text are you referring to? it can't be huck finn, the one
> >people like to bash on account of one word.
> Rob, I'm sorry I'm not 100% clear, but I'm thinking it was The
> Mysterious Stranger. His work is sprinkled with the most commonly
> known "N" word, as well as "nabob", another derogatory term that
> really isn't used anymore.
> Clemens DID fight for the Confederate militia, but I understand he had
> a change of heart regarding slavery. I just found it ironic that the
> Hal Turner show reference was used against a Mark Twain quote.
> Tim
I didn't use it against the Twain quote as such just Americas idealistic
view of their constitution and the fact that you are brainwashed into
thinking that your country is somehow freer then the rest of the world when
really it isn't, your freedom is doled out selectively i.e in the 50's
members of the communist party were rounded up and jailed, where was freedom
of speech and conscience for them? You had a system of apartheid up until
the 70's yet I have heard Americans talk about South Africa as a country
that was not free but has now seen the light.
You preach about democracy but you helped install terrible dictatorships in
countries like Chile overthrowing democratically elected socialist
governments. You still impose a blockade on Cuba a country where the life
expectancy of the population has gone up by 20 years since the 'peoples'
revolution overthrew your (and mine) system of greed and division for a
system of equality.
I know you'll all come back and defend your country to the hilt, I don't
know why there's not much about my country I would defend but I see allot
more good in it then yours. Just have the intelligence to look a bit
sideways at things and not to always see things the way you have been taught
Sorry not very r.a.s I'll shut up now,