> Why don't all you GPL lovers start your own NG instead of filling this one with GPL messages!!
> Don't get me wrong ,i don't dislike GPL but if you look at this NG seems there is no other sim around at the moment!!
> --
> Greetings :) ___ RuuD?
> []_.-' (Q_,._
> (o)_[F1}____(o)Z>
> +--------------------------------------------------+
Of course no one is stopping anyone from posting non-GPL stuff. It IS the
hot sim of the moment, so it should be discussed here, and often.
>>>Why don't all you GPL lovers start your own NG instead of filling this
>>with GPL messages!!
>>>Don't get me wrong ,i don't dislike GPL but if you look at this NG seems
>>there is no other sim around at the moment!!
>>Of course no one is stopping anyone from posting non-GPL stuff. It IS the
>>hot sim of the moment, so it should be discussed here, and often.
>One tip would be to filter out all messages containing 'GPL' or 'Legends'.
>A *good* newsreader that does that is Forte Agent ( www.forteinc.com ).
>If a person wants to use their Netscape web browser or Outlook Express as
>a newsreader, well they are out of luck... sorry.
But I did put this to good use to filter out most of the off-topic posts in
the Voodoo 2 newsgroup, and all the Derek Smart / BC3K stuff in the strategy
newsgroups, so it does work, although probably not as well as Agent.
Same thing will happen when Nascar2000 is released and GP3 and....
--John (Joao) Silva
Server: cbr.cls.com.au
subscribe to: alt.games.gplegends
Craig Marcho
there is no other sim around at the moment!!
> Why don't all you GPL lovers start your own NG instead of filling this one with GPL messages!!
> Don't get me wrong ,i don't dislike GPL but if you look at this NG seems there is no other sim around at the moment!!
> --
> Greetings :) ___ RuuD?
> []_.-' (Q_,._
> (o)_[F1}____(o)Z>
> +--------------------------------------------------+
Are you just in the process of setting it up?
>Server: cbr.cls.com.au
>subscribe to: alt.games.gplegends
>Craig Marcho
>>Why don't all you GPL lovers start your own NG instead of filling this one
>with GPL messages!!
>>Don't get me wrong ,i don't dislike GPL but if you look at this NG seems
>there is no other sim around at the moment!!
>>Greetings :) ___ RuuD?
>> []_.-' (Q_,._
>> (o)_[F1}____(o)Z>
Jerry Morelock
> >>>Why don't all you GPL lovers start your own NG instead of filling this
> one
> >>with GPL messages!!
> >>>Don't get me wrong ,i don't dislike GPL but if you look at this NG seems
> >>there is no other sim around at the moment!!
> >>Of course no one is stopping anyone from posting non-GPL stuff. It IS the
> >>hot sim of the moment, so it should be discussed here, and often.
> >>Ken
> >One tip would be to filter out all messages containing 'GPL' or 'Legends'.
> >A *good* newsreader that does that is Forte Agent ( www.forteinc.com ).
> >If a person wants to use their Netscape web browser or Outlook Express as
> >a newsreader, well they are out of luck... sorry.
> Actually, Outlook Express will filter out things based on Subject or From.
> Won't filter based on the actual text of the message, but most GPL posts
> will have GPL in the title, so most could be filtered with Outlook. Of
> course I want all the info I can get, so won't be filtering it anytime soon
> <g>.
> But I did put this to good use to filter out most of the off-topic posts in
> the Voodoo 2 newsgroup, and all the Derek Smart / BC3K stuff in the strategy
> newsgroups, so it does work, although probably not as well as Agent.
> Ken