You see the big picture... these guys have absolutely no "duty" to create a
banked Monza, just because they can. Hey, I can play a mean jazz trombone,
but it doesn't mean I'll play a certain piece that someone likes off a Dave
Brubeck CD just because the guy wants to hear it and knows I have the
ability. If the song doesn't speak to me, then it doesn't get played.
On the other hand, the sly little posts about "I've driven banked Monza, and
it, sir, is no Indianapolis" can be a bit irritating. There is a certain
air of superiority there. If someone wants to "leak" the textureless, raw,
banked Monza track, maybe people would drive it and see that, indeed, it is
dead-dull, and would go back to eagerly awaiting Solitude etc.
> no different to building tracks generally speaking
> if i ain't e***d about building track "A" why should I do it?
> > Well thats a way different subject. You cant copy modle aircrafts and
put them
> > on webpages can you?