1. MS Sidewinder Pro
2. Thrustmaster Ferrari
3.Logitech Formula (not gp)
So far I am leaning toward NOT getting Force Feedback due to what I
have read of these wheels not being as precise as the non FF and that after
the "wow effect" wears off the feedback is useless because no one has as yet
gotten FF put out meaningfull signals, only "cool effects" that tell you
little or nothing about what the car is doing. Another reason for not
getting a FF is that none that I have seen look like they will hold
togeather. Seems like there would be one hell of a lot of things that could
and likely will break. I have said the above from a position of near total
ignorance as I have never used a FF wheel outside of the display at CompUSA.
So those inclined feel free to tell me I am nuts and that I gotta have FF
I have read all the reviews I can find on these wheels but none of those
reviews tested the wheels on a "serious" sim like NASCAR or GPL. Then
instead used Midtown Madness and the like. I therefore know that any of
these wheels would be great for pounding the downtown pavement or perhaps
joining the wreckers on the Sierra.com NASCAR 4 site but how any of these
would suit the (ahem) "Professional" (yeah) is still unknown. Any advice
those of you with any of these could provide would be appreciated.