and answered several times. Here are some things to consider if you have a
First to get the best feel out of the ISI sims, you must get your
controllers tweeked. Haqsau and Fat n Slo spent a great deal of time
figuring this stuff out. Use Google to search the groups for F1 2001 +
controllers. Just about anything covered there will apply to F1 2k2 and the
Second: Get to know your system. Telling us you have a Dell doesn't give
us enough info to help you.
Third.: just about any question has already been asked several times.
Search Google Groups first.
Fourth. The pros for the EA/ISI sims are often found in the forums at
RaceSimCentral, High Gear and Blackhole motorsports. Many of your questions
can be answered just by searching there.
fifth: Connect at 56k when MATTER what type of broadband
you have.
sixth: We need some really humoungous Commercial grade servers for
fields approaching the max of 16. Anybody with a server on a T1 they can
launch multiplayer sessions from?
dave henrie
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