% I've downloaded some great NASCAR 1 carsets and installed them but when I
% get an error message 'Can't load Garage' when I try to tto enter the garage
% ? All is ok with the original carset.
% Anyone got any idea's how I can fix this.
You are mixing carsets from the European release and the U.S. release of
the the sim. Or you have not named the directories under the CARS
folder correctly, the directory name must be the same as the cars.dat
file (minus the extension .dat).
Here is the information for fixing carsets from the different release:
To use carsets, which were created with the US Version of Nascar, with
the *** version you must do the following:
either make your *** version a US version by
changing all occurences of the ASCII sequence beng13 to kell_5
in the two files OBJS.DAT and your CARS94.DAT
or make the US carset a *** carset by
changing all occurences of the ASCII sequence kell_5 to beng13
in that new <carset>.DAT file.
The Pits also has a couple of utilities that you might want to use that
should work to convert them
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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