(Note: Please remove "nospam" in address when replying...)
I sure hope somebody out there remembers a fix for this...
The deal is, I recently picked up the CD-ROM version of N1, mostly for
the SVGA mode. However, the cars on that disk (some wierd international
*** software version) are about the ugliest things you ever saw, and the
drivers are mostly names you never heard. So, I copied drivers.txt from the
floppy version (so now I can punt Jeff Gordon instead of Joe Blow) w/out
any problems. Then I copied the cars94.dat file, and got the cars looking
the way they should on the track...BUT after changing the cars, I get the
message "Can't load garage"...when selecting garage at a track....? Any
E-mail greatly appreciated, as my ISP has a pretty small news spool.
Thanks, and don't forget to delete that "nospam" thing...