The reason no one is aswering is that it's almost impossible to
recommend a pot without holding it in your hand and comparing it to the
one you removed from your T2. I don't know if all T2s used the same
type of pot, but the one I removed had a splined shaft, a feature I
couldn't find on any of the suitable replacements I looked at. I ended
up using a pot with a plastic shaft and whittling the shaft down until
it was a press fit into the hole, which has worked well. The other
problem is actually mounting the pot to the T2. The original pot is a
snap fit, and again I couldn't find a pot with the same dimensions that
would snap in. I ended up using a pot with a square housing that had
two small mounting holes. I drilled two small holes into the T2 and
mounted the pot with two small self-tapping screws.
I used a Bourns conductive plastic pot, they have very low noise and
seem to wear better than carbon film. If you would like to try the same
pot, the part number is 91A1AB24B20, the specs are here:
It's a 100k linear pot and has worked flawlessly since I installed it.
You can purchase them in Canada from Electrosonic ( ). I have no idea what Electrosonic's minimum
on-line order is, but they do sell on-line. I hope this is of some help
to you.
> I ask many times...
> nobody anwser what i want
> I would like to order pot online
> Don't tell me to call Thrustmaster...
> I'm in Canada.
> I dont want Radio Shack pots (they are cheap)
> Is 3/16 inch is the good diameter?
> here some link... I dont know which model choose for my T2