I just got a steering pot for my T2 from them the other day. I just
filled out the part request form on their webpage and it came in the
mail about a week later. I have never had any problems with getting
parts from them.
Anyway, you will need just the pot, a phillips head, a flat head (to
pry back the arm that holds the pot in place), and a soldering iron to
replace it. Took me about 10 minutes...
Todd Walker
On Thu, 22 Oct 1998 11:07:04 GMT,
> Anybody know wnat parts I need (ie, resistance/power, etc) in
>order to replace the wheel pot on a Thrustmaster T2??
> TM's tech support just ain't the same any more....I got an
>'automated' answer from the WWW page, and when I sent it back as
>'elevate', no response.