Most of you will have used or are aware of Microsoft Flight Simulator.
Probably the main reason for the unparalleled success of this sim is the
ability it gives the user to download new aircraft, instrument panels and
scenery created by ordinary folk, for free. New aircraft are designed,
textured and defined using an add-on called Flight Shop. This is a
simplified CAD-type program enabling a PC literate user to create anything
he would like to fly.
Here's the idea -
Same principle but a driving sim instead of a flight sim. The basic game
gives you a series of tracks (real or made-up, depending on licenses etc)
and a selection of basic racers (F1, Stock Car, Touring Car, whatever) and
- this is the important bit - the ability to design, texture and define the
performance of new cars using a 'Flight Shop' type interface.
The game would give you the option of a complete grid made up of 'your' car
(I suppose there would need to be some way of varying the colours to tell
them apart), either with identical performance or varying based on a
parameter you define.
Think about it - the possibilities are endless !
A complete grid of : vintage Bugattis, Historic F1 or Indy, 70's
stationwagons, your own personal car, giant trucks, even ride-on lawnmowers
I've designed instrument panels for FS98 and know how easy this is - why
not do the same for your cars ? After all, you'd need to know what you're
sitting in.
Maybe you could even design tracks and scenery too - I can see it now....
Brooklands, Indy in the 60's, the original Nuremburgring.......sim heaven
or what !
So come on Microsoft, Microprose, Papyrus, Ubisoft and the rest, how about
it ? This would be worth millions ! You could be sure the 'fun' factor of
racing round in ridiculous contraptions would have mass appeal, so you
wouldn't just be supplying a niche market. Just send me my 10%, okay ?