I don't know how you have your pc configured but I have a pII 450 o/c
to 504mhz and a non o/c v3. I have solid 36fps all the way with the
detail slider about 20% to the left. I have all options on apart from
crowds, and drivers arms (it distracts me), and the mirrors are set to
show cars and track only. With 12 cars I am able to have the detail
slider all the way to the right with solid 36fps.
I also have another pc, a pII 333 o/c to 500mhz with 12mb V2 SLI, and
have similar performance. Both pc/s have 128mb pc100 ram, and I have
practically nothing running in the background when I am ***.
Lots of memory and processing power will give solid 36fps in GPL, as
for the V3 I've had it o/c with a pentium fan stuck to it, but I only
gained fps once I o/c my processor. As for the V2 overclocking it just
reduces it life spam and stability to about 60%.
With a P3-450 I would expect much better performance than what your
guys are getting. You should definitely aim for more as you have
enough processing power there for the job.
>Agree with most comments below - I've just moved from V2 to V3
>(2000) with a P3-450 and seen similar improvements.
>Detail slider does have a big effect as I tried moving it all the way to
>the right to see whta happened and fps dived.
>I still use the "mirrors patch" with mirror refressh rate at 1/3rd front
>view - extra forward fps is much more worthwhile. Also I set mirrors to
>cars and track only.
>Couple of other points
>- I found no significant fps change by moving from "all" objects to
>- also found no significant improvements from overclocking to V3 (i.e.
>I'm not losing anything from having 2000 and not 3000 or 3500!)
>1024x768 is no problem with practice. "back of grid at monte carlo"
>needs to OC CPU to around 550MHz to get 30+ fps at start.
>> Depends what you're getting atm. GPL is fr locked at 36 so you should
>> never get better than that.
>> Mirrors to just cars and track
>> Detail slider no more than about 1/4 the way from the left or less.
>> This is a real frame rate killer but doesn't add much to what you see
>> anyway.
>> All momentary special effects off, smoke, dirt, etc. These things will
>> actually blind you in races anyway. Not good to do serious races with.
>> Spec. Highlights etc turned off too. Makes little differance.
>> Turm arms off,***pit detail off, clouds can go.
>> With your system and the above you should be right at 1024x768
>> Regards
>> Phillip McNelley
>> >Hello! I recently upgraded my 450 MHZ PII, 128 RAM system from a
>Creative Labs
>> >Voodoo 2 PCI Bus 3D video card to the 3DFX Voodoo3 2D/3D AGP bus
>video card.
>> >Frame rates improved approximately 25% in GPL with the upgrade. I'm
>using the
>> >latest drivers downloaded from 3DFX. Any tweakes/changes that I can
>> >make that can further improve frame rates in GPL? Thank you for your
>> >assistance and help!
>Sent via Deja.com http://www.racesimcentral.net/
>Before you buy.