>I've not had any problems with 1.09 patch either. That's why I'm hesitant
>to install it.
MAYBE, it's not just a Voodoo 2 compatible patch, but somehow enhances the
game to use the extra stuff on the Voodoo 2.
Doubtful, since it seems to be Glide related, it's either the old Glide
files needed to get the game to "see" the Voodoo 2 under installation, OR
it's the newer Glide in the beta drivers (which I think has Glide 2.53 and
the beta of 3.0). Unless there's something we're not aware of, I can't see
F1RS gaining much benefit from the new Glide, 2.53 didn't do anything major
and 3.0 won't do anything unless the game is written for it.
I'd check to see if there is a file with the same name already in the F1
folder, and back it up, then copy the mystery Glide file in there, or just
do a small install of F1RS elsewhere on the harddrive and check it out, but
I'd be real surprised if it does anything.