Did anyone see Grand Prix?

Alex Kihuran

Did anyone see Grand Prix?

by Alex Kihuran » Mon, 29 May 2000 04:00:00

Did anyone see Grand Prix on Speedvision last night? Pretty good driving, a
bit *** at the end, but still, a neat movie. (A part from the back of the
car from I think the BRM or Brabraham, hit John Pierre and he runs right
into the wall at the banking at Monza, breaks through it, and falls to the
track below, but he dosn't have a seatbelt, so he gets stabbed by tree
branches and he's all bloddy and stuff, his car blows up, and he dies)



Did anyone see Grand Prix?

by Woodie » Mon, 29 May 2000 04:00:00

>Did anyone see Grand Prix on Speedvision last night? Pretty good driving, a
>bit *** at the end, but still, a neat movie. (A part from the back of the
>car from I think the BRM or Brabraham, hit John Pierre and he runs right
>into the wall at the banking at Monza, breaks through it, and falls to the
>track below, but he dosn't have a seatbelt, so he gets stabbed by tree
>branches and he's all bloddy and stuff, his car blows up, and he dies)

What?  No "SPOILER" in the subject line?   :-)

Don McCorkle

Jan Verschuere

Did anyone see Grand Prix?

by Jan Verschuere » Mon, 29 May 2000 04:00:00

Yeah... just like the time they gave the ending for "Titanic" away on this
forum. ;-))


Woodie 83 wrote...

> <snip>
> What?  No "SPOILER" in the subject line?   :-)

> Don McCorkle


Did anyone see Grand Prix?

by TRUSRS » Mon, 29 May 2000 04:00:00

I saw it twice last night.  Great movie!!
I fell asleep when the actors tried to act, but the sounds of the engine
immediately woke me up for the racing scenes

John Tomlinso

Did anyone see Grand Prix?

by John Tomlinso » Mon, 29 May 2000 04:00:00

You see Jean Pierre's teammate(Bandolini?) sit up in the seat and turn
around to see who it was?
And why Jean Pierre???? Shoulda killed Scott damnit. What an ending that
woulda been for Jean to make up the 30 seconds and win the the championship.

Dave Henri

Did anyone see Grand Prix?

by Dave Henri » Mon, 29 May 2000 04:00:00

  The thing I noticed, this time, was how at Spa the wind was
pretty much sounding just like GPL(ha! worked it in!)  Pretty good
for a movie to know what a sim would sound like 25 years later huh?
dave henrie

> Did anyone see Grand Prix on Speedvision last night? Pretty good driving, a
> bit *** at the end, but still, a neat movie. (A part from the back of the
> car from I think the BRM or Brabraham, hit John Pierre and he runs right
> into the wall at the banking at Monza, breaks through it, and falls to the
> track below, but he dosn't have a seatbelt, so he gets stabbed by tree
> branches and he's all bloddy and stuff, his car blows up, and he dies)

> Thanks,
> Alex


Did anyone see Grand Prix?

by m.seer » Mon, 29 May 2000 04:00:00


I wish people would put spoiler in the heading when these race reports are
posted in thes NG ;0



Did anyone see Grand Prix?

by m.seer » Mon, 29 May 2000 04:00:00

Someone beat me to it <G>

I'll have to get into the habit of scrolling down threads before posting


> >Did anyone see Grand Prix on Speedvision last night? Pretty good driving,
> >bit *** at the end, but still, a neat movie. (A part from the back of
> >car from I think the BRM or Brabraham, hit John Pierre and he runs right
> >into the wall at the banking at Monza, breaks through it, and falls to
> >track below, but he dosn't have a seatbelt, so he gets stabbed by tree
> >branches and he's all bloddy and stuff, his car blows up, and he dies)

> What?  No "SPOILER" in the subject line?   :-)

> Don McCorkle

Graeme Nas

Did anyone see Grand Prix?

by Graeme Nas » Mon, 29 May 2000 04:00:00

But you knew he was going to get it the second he said he was going to
retire :-)

Graeme Nash


Did anyone see Grand Prix?

by RC » Mon, 29 May 2000 04:00:00

>>ok the reason why they didnt kill scott was cause. Scott was jakie stewart.
>>think) i might have to thnk twice but thats my final answer.

>>And im sure jakie stewart Wouldnt allow himself to die in the movie.
>>Here are the clues that scott was acted as jakie stewart.
>>(1) Both drove BRMS
>>(2) Both had same #
>>(3) looked the same (obvioulsly)
>>and final
>>(4) both wore same helmet.

>>NOW i can be way wrong. ;-) so im not saying its the truth.



>opps forgot that jakies stewarts name was
>Jakie "the flying scott" Stewart

>And i respect stewart. :-) .

Jeez, if you respect him that much, at least get his name right.  It's
JACKIE not jakie.  And he's from Scotland, which makes him a "Scot"
not a "scott".
Richard ZZ Busc

Did anyone see Grand Prix?

by Richard ZZ Busc » Tue, 30 May 2000 04:00:00

Oh man, now you've ruined it for me.


Richard "ZZ" Busch

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Timothy Mora

Did anyone see Grand Prix?

by Timothy Mora » Tue, 30 May 2000 04:00:00

At Spa, did anyone else notice that Malmedy was less steep/difficult than in


> Someone beat me to it <G>

> I'll have to get into the habit of scrolling down threads before posting

> MS

> > >Did anyone see Grand Prix on Speedvision last night? Pretty good
> a
> > >bit *** at the end, but still, a neat movie. (A part from the back of
> the
> > >car from I think the BRM or Brabraham, hit John Pierre and he runs
> > >into the wall at the banking at Monza, breaks through it, and falls to
> the
> > >track below, but he dosn't have a seatbelt, so he gets stabbed by tree
> > >branches and he's all bloddy and stuff, his car blows up, and he dies)

> > What?  No "SPOILER" in the subject line?   :-)

> > Don McCorkle

Tony StewartNo

Did anyone see Grand Prix?

by Tony StewartNo » Tue, 30 May 2000 04:00:00

ok the reason why they didnt kill scott was cause. Scott was jakie stewart. (i
think) i might have to thnk twice but thats my final answer.

And im sure jakie stewart Wouldnt allow himself to die in the movie.
Here are the clues that scott was acted as jakie stewart.
(1) Both drove BRMS
(2) Both had same #
(3) looked the same (obvioulsly)
and final
(4) both wore same helmet.

NOW i can be way wrong. ;-) so im not saying its the truth.


Tony StewartNo

Did anyone see Grand Prix?

by Tony StewartNo » Tue, 30 May 2000 04:00:00

opps forgot that jakies stewarts name was
Jakie "the flying scott" Stewart

And i respect stewart. :-) . is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.