Surely you should have put SPOILER before this post, because now all of us
know the result - bummer ;-)
Surely you should have put SPOILER before this post, because now all of us
know the result - bummer ;-)
Yell at them. :-)
>And im sure jakie stewart Wouldnt allow himself to die in the movie.
>Here are the clues that scott was acted as jakie stewart.
>(1) Both drove BRMS
>(2) Both had same #
>(3) looked the same (obvioulsly)
>and final
>(4) both wore same helmet.
>NOW i can be way wrong. ;-) so im not saying its the truth.
I wonder if the footage still exists. Although I imagine there would be
little financial incentive for the producer, I'd love to see a modern
director's cut.
>> Jeez, if you respect him that much, at least get his name
right. It's
>> JACKIE not jakie>
This movie SCREAMS for a DVD version. Criteron should jump and convince
John to release a Director's cut of the movie, with additionnal race footage
and deleted scenes (there is many of them).
-- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard>
-- May the Downforce be with you...
-- People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realise
how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world.
His FULL name is "John Young Stewart". His two given names are "John" and
"Young" and his family name is "Stewart".
The abbreviation or common contraction for John is "Jack" (thus the pet-name
Bruce Kennewell,
Canberra, Australia.
> Chris
> >Actually, it's John Young. Not Jackie at all!
> >MS
> >> Jeez, if you respect him that much, at least get his name
> right. It's
> >> JACKIE not jakie>
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Bruce Kennewell,
Canberra, Australia.
> >This movie SCREAMS for a DVD version. Criteron should jump and convince
> >John to release a Director's cut of the movie, with additionnal race
> >and deleted scenes (there is many of them).
> I'm with you! Also, then you could ffwd through the trivial bits, like
> plot. Seriously, I'd buy it.