Thanks to all who responded. It turns out to be something very stupid that
Ubisoft tech support should have been well aware of, but wasn't for some
reason. The problem turned out to be the sync on vertical refresh setting
in my voodoo2 driver control panel. I had disabled it, and this caused the
clock in F1RS to coincidentally run 33% faster than real time. With vsync
on, game time runs spot-on what it should. Combined with the response I got
from Ubisoft blaming my overclocked computer (66->100 = 33%), I was
incorrectly making a connection between the two things. Running the chip at
300 slowed the machine down enough to where the problem didn't appear
(another coincidence).
Back to racing :-)
Jarrod Smith
The Scripps Research Institute
>Do you have problems with the internal game clock running 33% too fast
>(100MHz bus vs 66MHz bus)? I'm having trouble with my Celeron 450a. This
>game runs 33% too fast when I have the bus clocked at 100MHz. If you time
>the lap clock, you will see that 1 minute of game time is 40 seconds real
>time. This makes it a real *** to drive! It runs normal when I have the
>chip running at 300. I'm wondering if people with true P2 450s are having
>the same trouble. What the heck is the game timing itself to? I have my
>motherboard set as if there were a real P2 450 in there, but F1RS gets
>Jarrod Smith
>The Scripps Research Institute