mode. The video freezes, but the games continues on. I need to
re-boot the system when this happens.
My system: PII 450mhz
128meg ram
STB Velocity 4400 AGP 16mb video card
DirectX 6.1
I run the graphic options maxed out, full field, using a joystick with
either the papyrus or Direct X driver. Everything works great,
graphics fast and smooth, full sound, but at a random time the video
will freeze and the game will keep going, forcing me to re-boot. This
happens alot on the 'Vegas' and 'Phoenix' tracks, intermittently on
the 'Bristol' and 'Rockingham' tracks. I've been able to get it to
fail on a few others at random times as well. Tracks like 'Vegas'
will only run mabey 10 laps before failing.
It mostly happens during a race, but it's happened during a qualifing
session once. With N99 it rarely happened.
I've tried the latest drivers found at the Gateway computers and STB
sights, tried using earlier drivers, backed off on the graphics
settings, tried resolution at 16 and 24 bits. I'm not sure if the
graphics cpu is being overclocked or not, not able to adjust it.
It's happend a few times in software mode, but nowhere near as often.
I'm wondering if anyone has if anyone has run into this and found a
fix for it. Not sure if it's an issue with N3 and this Video card, or
a driver problem. I've run Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator, which
gives the video a workout, and never had this happen.
I've tried everything I can think of, no luck. Any suggestions or
ideas would be appreciated. This is the only problem, N3 runs
excellent otherwise. I'm very happy with it.
Thanks in advance,
Diplomacy is the art of saying "Nice Doggie",
until you can find a rock.
Minnesota - The state where nothing is allowed.