first got this game I was really e***d about its potential. After
playing for a few hours I thought - as many have - that this game was
lacking a 'fun' factor. The learning curve was too steep and the
computer ai too fast. Well, now after playing GPL for MANY hours I
have come full circle - this game is absolutely amazing.
GP2 move over - GPL is king. After I acquired a skill for driving
these skinny legged beasts, I ventured onto the Internet to try some
multiplayer games. Instant happiness. Tonight I played for about 3
hours and wasted my entire evening running lap after lap at Monza and
the Glen. The Internet play (on a 56k) is lag free and features
little warping. I am really impressed with the playability factor
over the Internet with 20 guys flying around a tight circuit. Kudos
goes out to all those drivers who use their mirrors to move aside for
the faster drivers. This was unexpected. During qualifing I came
upon several drivers on warm up laps, recovering from spins or just
plodding along, and most of them would move off line and let the hot
lappers through.
GPL - I love this game.
Anyone interested in GPL LAN play in Ottawa, drop me a line - we have
three guys that hook up regularly.