I (and several other drivers use this technique at the start...
II hold the rpm at about 5000-6000 in neutral, and when the green flag
drops, I pop it into first, and do NOT accelerate for a second or two -
just hold the gas pedal in the same spot until the tires stop spinning.
Sure, you do a somewhat smokey burnout, but the car doesn't tend to
fishtail much. You may want to experiment with this in offline training
mode to get a feel for how you react yourself. Of all of the online
starts I've made (starting in the top 4 most of the time), I've rarely
had the rear end try to come around on me.
John Simmons - Redneck Techno-Biker (Zerex12)
John Simmons - Barbarian Diecast Collector
IGPS Director
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