Gian Vitzthum.
> >Once again .......well said.
> >I would not sell yourself short though......
> >I have my own Ideas on why it is very hard to drive fast (lap after lap) in
> >GPL
> >and I think the main reason is that the cars perform in such a realistic
> >"real"
> >manner........but other elements (beyond any fault of the sim) make it really
> >hard to do well.
> >This was my post on this very subject.
> >GPL is the most "real", true to life sim ever made (by far).
> >There is just one problem....... well three.......and they all stem
> >from the fact that the game is so ....maybe to...."real" in some
> >ways....yet very lacking in others (maybe not the fault of the sim).
> >I think what we need to think about is that although we are driving
> >a real 1967 F1 car (they did a fantastic job on this in the sim) we are
> >at a MAJOR DISADVANTAGE to the real life race drivers of that time.
> >1. The real drivers had a real life real 3d view of the road
> >(and everything around them) .....we are looking at screens.
> >2. The real drivers could FEEL GRIP through the seat of their pants,
> >through the wheel, through wind hitting the car, through the effects the
> >body goes through as the car unweights and gets light, etc.
> >We only have what we see the car doing on screen and what sounds
> >the tires are making through our pc speakers to get our feel of "grip".
> >3. Real drivers had good reason to fear for their lives as they raced in
> >that time (F1 in 1998 is 100 times more safe and it`s still not "safe").
> >When your life is on the line you develop a type of concentration thats
> >just not possible in a computer sim......
> >We can only develop our levels of concentration by our desire to do well
> >and how long we can stare at our screens without getting a headache.
> >FEAR is a great way to help build (and keep) needed concentration levels.
> >So does the above make GPL good ? or bad?
> >I think that if someone can do real fast laps in this sim (lap afer lap)
> >they should sign up to a real racing school and/or real life racing league,
> >because when they add their sim skills to the advantages
> >(above three points) that real life racers have.........they could very well
> >have more talent than the top F1 drivers of today (or back then).
> >Back to GPL good or bad?........
> >I dont know....... and after each lap I drive I dont seem to get
> >any closer to an answer.
> >I wonder if anyone will be able to master it......
> >If no one can master it, then I think it`s more a reflection on the real
> >life things (feelings) a SIM lacks than any problem with the talent level
> >of the top sim racers, or what they might be able to do in the real car
> >if given half the chance.
> >All I know, is that it is very Interesting, looks great,
> >and It`s a really nice change from GP2, F1RS, ICR2 etc.
> >It can also "drive" you crazy......
> >Let me know what you think.
> >Lorne
> Excellent! I agree with all the points you make, and have thought about the
> effects of all of them on every racing game I've ever played (many, going back
> to 1985).
> In the older games all these issues contributed to the difficulty of the game,
> but to a much lesser extent I think as the cars were less realistically
> simulated, and were more forgiving of minor mistakes.
> In GPL though, almost any mistake is enough to put you off the track, if you
> don't instantly provide the correct control inputs. The issues you discuss in
> point #2 all work to provide cues to a driver to let him know when things are
> getting too close to the edge; in GPL we don't have these things.
> So yes, the incredible realism of the car's handling and performance, combined
> with interacting with a 3d world through a 2d screen, using controls which are
> not "physically" linked to the game world, make things far more difficult. I
> really, really wish that it was possible to have a force-feedback wheel or
> stick in this game. That would help a lot I think. Maybe their
> next-generation engine will be up to the challenge of this.
> To be fair though, they have done as much as they can, I think, in providing
> visual cues as to how the car is behaving. I am finding that as I play more, I
> am beginning to "sense" when the car is about to get away from me, before it
> happens. I can't really say what it is I'm seeing that clues me in, but
> something tells me it might be time to back off just a hair. I believe the
> manual hinted at this; it impresses the hell out of me that they could do so,
> and did it in such a subtle way that it doesn't jump in your face & seem
> unnatural.
> Also there is the incredible responsiveness of the car (which makes it so hard
> to drive initally) Once again, the more I play, the more skillfully I can use
> steering, throttle & brakes to avoid disaster. I mean, I can come up on a turn
> at 180+, brake a little too late & the rear end comes unstuck which was certain
> to have me spinning into the guardrail at first, but now with extremely subtle
> control inputs I can (usually) keep it under control & drift around the turn.
> If the handling wasn't modelled so well I'm not sure I could do this. So that
> realism that works against you at first can also work in your favor as you get
> accustomed to it.
> Is GPL good or bad? I think it's gonna be inaccessable to a lot of people,
> both from hardware & skill points of view (I'm sure I'll fall into the "skill"
> category) and this perhaps makes it a "bad" game. Or perhaps a "niche" game
> would be a better term. And yet, as frustrated as I have gotten with it, I
> keep coming back for more. And more. And more. And the frustration, which has
> so often had me thinking badly of games in the past, has not turned me against
> this one. The more I play, the better I like it (and the more impressed I am
> with the development team) So I guess from my point of view it's "good". I
> think Papy has done an outstanding job given the limitations of the media they
> have to work with.
> Lee
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