I've been playing NL for the past couple of days and I really like
this sim. However, as I've been playing there have been a couple of
questions about the game/time period that have been in the back of my
1) How was sponsership back then? I see all of these cars with huge
hoods (i.e. advertising space) but no sponsers on them. Was this a
lisencing issue with Papy or was sponsership that limited in NASCAR back
2) How much did tires cost back then? :) I ran a 50 lap race at Alabama
(Talladega) last night and went though 2 sets of tires (well actually 3,
see below lol!)
3) Are tire blow outs modeled in NL? I was racing with 5 to go at
Alabama in 2nd when I think my tire blew (I might have tapped the wall
too, that's why I'm not sure). Here is how my pit stops went
Lap 17: 4 tires
Lap 35 or so: 2 right sides
Lap 45 or so: tire blew
I know it was crazy but I got 2nd taking only 2 right sides! I though I
heard the spotter mutter something about a tire, but I was kind of mad
and didn't hear him! :)