Nascar Legends - Questions (just curious)

John Courtn

Nascar Legends - Questions (just curious)

by John Courtn » Thu, 04 Nov 1999 04:00:00

    I've been playing NL for the past couple of days and I really like
this sim.  However, as I've been playing there have been a couple of
questions about the game/time period that have been in the back of my

1)  How was sponsership back then?  I see all of these cars with huge
hoods (i.e. advertising space) but no sponsers on them.  Was this a
lisencing issue with Papy or was sponsership that limited in NASCAR back

2)  How much did tires cost back then? :) I ran a 50 lap race at Alabama
(Talladega) last night and went though 2 sets of tires (well actually 3,
see below lol!)

3)  Are tire blow outs modeled in NL?  I was racing with 5 to go at
Alabama in 2nd when I think my tire blew (I might have tapped the wall
too, that's why I'm not sure).  Here is how my pit stops went
Lap 17: 4 tires
Lap 35 or so: 2 right sides
Lap 45 or so: tire blew
I know it was crazy but I got 2nd taking only 2 right sides!  I though I
heard the spotter mutter something about a tire, but I was kind of mad
and didn't hear him! :)



Nascar Legends - Questions (just curious)

by ymenar » Thu, 04 Nov 1999 04:00:00

It's actually the second.  The sponsorship was similar to Grand Prix
Legends.  It simply did not boosted like today until it reached the mid 70's
I would say, especially after they renamed the series to "Winston Cup".  On
the hood from what I see they advertised the motor engine type, since at
that time the motto was still "Win on Sunday, sell on monday" ;-)

If you taped the wall, a wheel of course will fall, it's a typical damage in
a Papyrus sim. But they can blew also.  Watch out your tyre wear Fxx window
to look at it.  When it's red, pit !

IIRC somebody from Papyrus here told a couple of days ago that the average
tyre run at Talladega was about 15, so the numbers you say are correct.  The
shock is amazing for anybody who raced alot the Nascar series, but I say
it's pretty cool, involves alot of strategy and more pitting!! ;)

-- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard>
-- May the Downforce be with you...

"People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realise
how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world."

Dave Henri

Nascar Legends - Questions (just curious)

by Dave Henri » Thu, 04 Nov 1999 04:00:00

  yup, it was more important to the manufacturers to paint the engine
size on the hood than clutter it up with fancy paint.  There was a huge
hullabaloo when Richard Petty threw a bucket of RED STP paint on his
blue Plymouth,  I'm guessing that or Bobby Allison's Coke car was the
start of 'big' paint jobs.
dave henrie

> Hi,
>     I've been playing NL for the past couple of days and I really like
> this sim.  However, as I've been playing there have been a couple of
> questions about the game/time period that have been in the back of my
> mind:

> 1)  How was sponsership back then?  I see all of these cars with huge
> hoods (i.e. advertising space) but no sponsers on them.  Was this a
> lisencing issue with Papy or was sponsership that limited in NASCAR back
> then?

> 2)  How much did tires cost back then? :) I ran a 50 lap race at Alabama
> (Talladega) last night and went though 2 sets of tires (well actually 3,
> see below lol!)

> 3)  Are tire blow outs modeled in NL?  I was racing with 5 to go at
> Alabama in 2nd when I think my tire blew (I might have tapped the wall
> too, that's why I'm not sure).  Here is how my pit stops went
> Lap 17: 4 tires
> Lap 35 or so: 2 right sides
> Lap 45 or so: tire blew
> I know it was crazy but I got 2nd taking only 2 right sides!  I though I
> heard the spotter mutter something about a tire, but I was kind of mad
> and didn't hear him! :)

> Thanks,
> John


Nascar Legends - Questions (just curious)

by oti.. » Thu, 04 Nov 1999 04:00:00

Actually, that was a rule by NASCAR.  I'm not sure if NASCAR was
pressured by the manufacturers to put it there, but for a while it was


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Before you buy.

Jerry Moreloc

Nascar Legends - Questions (just curious)

by Jerry Moreloc » Thu, 04 Nov 1999 04:00:00


Some drivers of that era actually had a door cut in the floorboard that they
could open to observe tire wear, or so I've heard.

Jerry Morelock


Nascar Legends - Questions (just curious)

by Tomi » Thu, 04 Nov 1999 04:00:00

 I heard that the winner of the first nascar race on an asphalte surface
used truck tyres whereas some other drivers had to buy tyres to the
spectators to finish the race... :P

> If you taped the wall, a wheel of course will fall, it's a typical damage in
> a Papyrus sim. But they can blew also.  Watch out your tyre wear Fxx window
> to look at it.  When it's red, pit !

> > Lap 17: 4 tires
> > Lap 35 or so: 2 right sides
> > Lap 45 or so: tire blew

> IIRC somebody from Papyrus here told a couple of days ago that the average
> tyre run at Talladega was about 15, so the numbers you say are correct.  The
> shock is amazing for anybody who raced alot the Nascar series, but I say
> it's pretty cool, involves alot of strategy and more pitting!! ;)

> --
> -- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard>
> -- May the Downforce be with you...

> "People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realise
> how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world."

Scott Sanfor

Nascar Legends - Questions (just curious)

by Scott Sanfor » Thu, 04 Nov 1999 04:00:00

That was actually the first Darlington race and the owner of the car that
used the truck tires was Bill France, Sr.  Immediately after the race the
use of non-passenger car tires in NASCAR was outlawed.<G>

Scott Sanford

> I heard that the winner of the first nascar race on an asphalte surface
>used truck tyres whereas some other drivers had to buy tyres to the
>spectators to finish the race... :P

>> If you taped the wall, a wheel of course will fall, it's a typical damage
>> a Papyrus sim. But they can blew also.  Watch out your tyre wear Fxx
>> to look at it.  When it's red, pit !

>> > Lap 17: 4 tires
>> > Lap 35 or so: 2 right sides
>> > Lap 45 or so: tire blew

>> IIRC somebody from Papyrus here told a couple of days ago that the
>> tyre run at Talladega was about 15, so the numbers you say are correct.
>> shock is amazing for anybody who raced alot the Nascar series, but I say
>> it's pretty cool, involves alot of strategy and more pitting!! ;)

>> --
>> -- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard>
>> -- May the Downforce be with you...

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>> how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world." is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.