Kieth, the Detonator drivers are fine, and I found that the 1.88 drivers
really improved performanbce with the NFS4 demo. Being that GPL dosn't even
support Open GL at this point (beta dosn't count as support) Why should
Nvidia make special drivers fro a game that dosn't even support thier
platform and not to mentiobn dosn't have a lot of volume of thier customers
being that it requires Glide or Rendition. It isn't the 1.88 drivers that
arer bad, it is that GPL hasn't implimented OGL at any resprectable level.
The card makers can't baby set reach game and provide drivers for
inidividual games that the programers didn't support themselves.
As for my own experience with the GPL demo (as I don't have a rend or gliude
card I'm not buying the game) with just a couple options off and 16 sounds I
got a respeectable 25fps from a card that isn't even supported by the game.
With all grafics off, it flew at 40 fps on my 450 :)
Point well taken chris, but I wouldn''t say the 1.88 drivgers are worthless
based on how it performs on an unsupported game.
>I tried the new driver with GPL ( of course).
>Results: pathetic. The latest Detonator drivers may have fixed the frequent
>gpf's of the previous Detonators, but I didn't stick around long enough to
>out. With 1.88 TNT drivers, GPL on my Celeron 450A (300A overclocked) feels
>it is running at 10MHz. Every menu click is followed by a 20 second wait
>the next screen appears. I ran the directx diagnostic tool which passed
with no
>problems and at normal speeds, so obviously nvidia did not test the 1.88
>Detonator with GPL in mind.
>Back to the trusty old 0.48 reference drivers for me until nvidia gets its
>together, or the GPL 1.1 patch is certified to work with 1.88 Detonators.
>have great hardware but the drivers upgrades are a joke.