! :)
As for winding me up, no you didn't, I merely felt like joining in on this
thread because I disagreed with your opinion, which I still do. In the same
way, I don't believe I am winding you up, you simply replied to my posts
because you either agree or disagree with what I then implied.
You have no idea how much it takes to really wind me up. You can be sure
that when, if you ever do, everyone will know about it. A long fuse leads to
large explosion <G>
Ian P
<email invalid due to spam>
> >PS. Sorry about the cheap shot at the spelling, I should have known
> >:)
> Todd thinks it's actually an effective form of flaming. Guess he
> hasn't been on the internet too long. Todd should go wave his hanky
> elsewhere.
> --
> eFalcon keyboard chart in PDF format
> http://www.racesimcentral.net/~nos146/ef4_keys.zip