"Driven" review at Planet F1


"Driven" review at Planet F1

by ymenar » Tue, 08 May 2001 23:19:20

> And all this because I think Stallone is a ***actor and his movie
> Judge Dredd is one of the worst movies ever made. Rent the movie and
> see what you think.

I wouldn't go that far to say "one of the worst".  With an IMDB rating of
4.4, there are thousands of movies worse then it.  It's just a mistreatment
of the comic.  It also has the heresy of all heresy, as he takes off his
helmet in the movie!!!!

Let's also remember that this "***actor" was nominated for BEST ACTOR in

-- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard>
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Nos v7.000000

"Driven" review at Planet F1

by Nos v7.000000 » Tue, 08 May 2001 23:29:52

That's not why I thought it was bad. It just had poor performances all
around and was very cheeesy.

Strange things happen when something has mass appeal. You told me you
think Gladiator is junk and yet it won the acedemy award for best
picture. Stallone did do a movie prior to becoming successful where he
played a credible role. It's called "The Lords of Flatbush" and he
plays the role of a ***age 50's era rocker. The role suited him.
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Asbj?rn Bj?rnst

"Driven" review at Planet F1

by Asbj?rn Bj?rnst » Tue, 08 May 2001 23:43:08

> picture. Stallone did do a movie prior to becoming successful where he
> played a credible role. It's called "The Lords of Flatbush" and he
> plays the role of a ***age 50's era rocker. The role suited him.

I kinda liked his performance in Copland.
Maybe because it was such an unusual role for him.

"Driven" review at Planet F1

by Ian » Wed, 09 May 2001 02:29:04

No, I'm British actually, or as you'd say, Euro Scum ;)

I'd agree that Stallone is a ***actor. I haven't nor do I wish to, see
Judge Dredd.
Some people have seen it and like it, they also like Stallone, that does not
mean they are either less or more intellectual than you or I. They simply
have a different taste in movies.

Ian P
<email invalid due to spam>

PS. Sorry about the cheap shot at the spelling, I should have known better

Mark Seer

"Driven" review at Planet F1

by Mark Seer » Wed, 09 May 2001 02:45:08

Move along, I'm finished trifling with

Another big assumption gob almighty.

You really think that there is no life beyond the US boundaries?


Mark Seer

"Driven" review at Planet F1

by Mark Seer » Wed, 09 May 2001 02:42:48

> > Touche'??? Are you that dumb? You think he got a one-up-manship on me?
> > Only in your inferior little mind that wouldn't spend two minutes at a
> > film if it was subtitled.

A big assumption from a big mouth !!


Nos v7.000000

"Driven" review at Planet F1

by Nos v7.000000 » Wed, 09 May 2001 10:30:37

>No, I'm British actually, or as you'd say, Euro Scum ;)

It's Euro Trash. I'm British too, but don't tell anyone.

Yea, *bad* taste. That's all I said in the first place and then some
*** decided to make an issue out of it. All the rest is just winding
you all up. You say I'm not winding you up, if that's true then why
did you even bother responding? You took everything I said seriously
along with the other tossers in this thread.

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Nos v7.000000

"Driven" review at Planet F1

by Nos v7.000000 » Wed, 09 May 2001 10:31:27

Another sub-dweeb takes the bait.
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Nos v7.000000

"Driven" review at Planet F1

by Nos v7.000000 » Wed, 09 May 2001 10:36:13

When people post spelling flames it just shows  everyone else that
*you* are unimaginative and without the capability of original
thought. *This* is too easy.  For all your education it didn't help
hide your limp wristed idiocy one bit.
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Nos v7.000000

"Driven" review at Planet F1

by Nos v7.000000 » Wed, 09 May 2001 10:38:19

>PS. Sorry about the cheap shot at the spelling, I should have known better

Todd thinks it's actually an effective form of flaming. Guess he
hasn't been on the internet too long. Todd should go wave his hanky

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Nos v7.000000

"Driven" review at Planet F1

by Nos v7.000000 » Wed, 09 May 2001 11:21:04

I make a couple of mistakes and that means I can't spell? You ever
considered that maybe I'm too busy typing to be bothered with a
missing "s" or some other trivial matter? If I want a spell check done
then I'll just employ some lacky hanky waver like you. You may know
how to spell, but you sure are lacking in the area of creative
composition. No mind, the world is full of mediocre monkey clackers,
you'll just have to make do with your dull little mind and lead the
usual life of watching other people make life interesting for you.
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Nos v7.000000

"Driven" review at Planet F1

by Nos v7.000000 » Wed, 09 May 2001 15:46:00

Sure it does. You are what you eat, as they say. In with shit, out
with shit. Your choice in music, art, literature, film (amongst other
things) has a lot to do with intellect. They are the building blocks
of a mind. Not saying one should spend their life watching just
serious film, but one shouldn't spend their life filling it with
rubbish films like Judge Dredd either. A person who is inclined to
read Camus, Sarte, Hesse etc. (and not just becasue they had to at
university) would tend to have a higher intellect than one who spends
their time reading light weigth novels that serve no purpose other
than to entertain. It seems some of you have confused intellect with
intelligence. I make a couple of comments about Stallone and his
acting abilities and the  next thing I know I'm being attacked for my
ideas.Remember "Lord Of the Flies"? Well, you boys should leave Piggy
alone and lose the mob mentality.
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Dave Henri

"Driven" review at Planet F1

by Dave Henri » Wed, 09 May 2001 16:06:45

  Bullocks...just because some airbag tells me the book is a classic...does
not make me any smarter.  I had to drop a philosophy class because I
disagreed with the professor.
He said read this very intellectual story and write what it meant to us...I
did...he seemed to think he knew what the story should have meant to ME even
tho I didn't get ANY of the supposed hidden message.  Satre I beleive it
Pure poppycock.  I never claimed to be a wiz but I used to be fairly widely
read, however, if I get something completely different out of a story, that
shouldn't make me wrong.  This bozo...(professor) seemed to think there was
only one Possible read to the story.  Obviously by my interpretation, he was
wrong...but I got the F.  Goodbye Mr Satre or whatever his name
was...Something about a person walking across a wheat field.
  Back on the subject...if a person reads deep intellectual stuff, he may
EXERCISE his intellect more but it won't make him by definition any smarter,
wiser, or more profound.  Conversely, If I like Monty Python, does that make
me intellectually weaker?
dave henrie

> >>Some people have seen it and like it, they also like Stallone, that does
> >>mean they are either less or more intellectual than you or I.

> Sure it does. You are what you eat, as they say. In with shit, out
> with shit. Your choice in music, art, literature, film (amongst other
> things) has a lot to do with intellect. They are the building blocks
> of a mind. Not saying one should spend their life watching just
> serious film, but one shouldn't spend their life filling it with
> rubbish films like Judge Dredd either. A person who is inclined to
> read Camus, Sarte, Hesse etc. (and not just becasue they had to at
> university) would tend to have a higher intellect than one who spends
> their time reading light weigth novels that serve no purpose other
> than to entertain. It seems some of you have confused intellect with
> intelligence. I make a couple of comments about Stallone and his
> acting abilities and the  next thing I know I'm being attacked for my
> ideas.Remember "Lord Of the Flies"? Well, you boys should leave Piggy
> alone and lose the mob mentality.
> --
> eFalcon keyboard chart in PDF format

Gregor Vebl

"Driven" review at Planet F1

by Gregor Vebl » Wed, 09 May 2001 17:43:44

> "Medoicre monkey clackers"?????? Now you're just trying to slap a few
> words together and hope they sound good. I am becoming VERY
> disappointed in you Mr. Nos. You WERE making my life interesting for
> me, but you are slipping. BADLY. Oh well, I'll just have to find
> someone else.

Ehm... I think he was referring to a story involving monkeys,
typewriters and collected works of Shakespeare, if I'm not mistaken. Not
exactly what one would call slapping words together.


Gregor Vebl

"Driven" review at Planet F1

by Gregor Vebl » Wed, 09 May 2001 17:54:47

Monty Python were the ones who took the idea of the theatre of absurd
(e.g. Beckett) and took it to the mainstream TV, influencing the way
comedy is done for the generations to come. For example, I cannot
imagine South Park ever beeing what it is without them.

So, no, I wouldn't say watching Monty Python would make you
intellectually weaker. But, considering the way you look at the show, I
can't say it can make you intellectually stronger either, although it
has the potential to do so.


> Conversely, If I like Monty Python, does that make
> me intellectually weaker? is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.